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Discriminative Power of Montreal Cognitive Assessment

JMED Research
The objective of tis article is to analyze the accuracy of MoCA’s subitems by comparing healthy elderly with Mild Cognitive Impaired and Alzheimer´s disease patients with more than four years of schooling. 136 elderly, with 39 normal controls, 52 AD patients and 45 MCI treated at…

Evaluation of the Anti-Diabetic and Anti-Ulcer Properties of Some Jordanian and Iraqi Medicinal Plants; a Screening Study

JMED Research
A large number of Jordanian and Iraqi medicinal plants have been used in traditional medicine for hypoglycemic and anti-ulcer activities. We have started a screening program to evaluate the activity of some of these plants and their extracts taking in consideration their use as an…

Injury Incidence of a Spanish Elite Female Soccer Team during a Competitive Season. A Case Study

JMED Research
The aim of this study was to examine the injury incidence and characteristics of a Spanish female elite soccer team (n=22 players) during an entire competitive season. Time loss injuries and individual exposure times were recorded during all team training sessions and matches during the…

Methodological Quality of Pediatric Clinical Prediction Rules

Pediatrics Research International Journal
Clinical prediction rules (CPRs) are tools designed to assist medical decision making and derived from an original piece of research. CPRs are intended for the use of clinicians when caring for patients to help them to make diagnostic and/or therapeutic bedside decisions. CPRs have been…

FTIR On-line Monitoring of Biodiesel Transesterification

International Journal of Renewable Energy & Biofuels
An on-line biodiesel transesterification monitoring system was developed using a mid-FTIR (Fourier Transform Infrared) spectrometer equipped with a temperature controlled transmission flow cell. A variety of spectral regions were assessed to monitor functional group changes during the transesterification process of Canola oil.  The resulting dynamic…

Preference of Medical Students of Formaldehyde Preserved Cadaveric Dissection Versus Pre-Dissected Specimens as a Teaching Tool in Human Anatomy

JMED Research
This study was conducted with a view of identifying the preference of first and second year medical students pertaining to the use of cadaveric dissections and pre-dissected specimens in the teaching of anatomy. A pre-validated questionnaire was used to evaluate the opinion of the students…

A Rare Stomach Lesion: Gastritis Cystica Profunda

International Journal of Case Reports in Medicine
Gastritis cystica profunda is described as gastric glands covered with normal gastric mucosa that locate submucosally and form cystic expansion. Its etiology is not clear, but the most important cause is prior gastric surgery. There is no agreed treatment because of its rarity. A 44-year-old…

Unusual Response to Bromocriptine of a Giant Pituitary Adenoma and Fertility Restoration: a Record of a Pregnancy

International Journal of Case Reports in Medicine
A 23-year-old woman presented to clinic with a large pituitary adenoma and coexisting hyperprolactinaemia. Diagnoses, initially considered, included two possibilities: prolactinoma or nonfunctioning tumour with a pituitary stalk disconnection. Diagnosis of prolactinoma was considered as the first possibility. Therefore, a trial with the dopamine agonist…

Activity of Intracellular Metabolism at Neutrophils in Patients with Metabolic Syndrome

Research in Endocrinology
There have been studied factors of metabolic syndrome, risk of development of type 2 diabetes on test-questionnaire "FINDRISK", and parameters of intracellular metabolism of neutrophils in 94 men (mean age 47.7 ± 7.4 years) without ischemic heart disease. Increased risk of developing type 2 diabetes…

An Examination of Edgeworth Price Cycles in the Indianapolis Retail Gasoline Market

Journal of Research in Industrial Organization
Gasoline prices in Indianapolis, Indiana are characterized by significant increases followed by gradual decreases over time.  This paper illustrates and extends a stylized graphical model of intertemporal price discrimination. Supplemented with institutional details and empirical evidence, this model explains the Edgeworth price cycle mechanism in…