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An Exploratory Approach to the Influence of Perceived Social Presence on Consumer Trust in a Website

Journal of Internet and e-business Studies
Online trust has been widely discussed in the marketing research area and mainly in these two forms namely: trust toward internet technology and trust toward an online merchant. Nonetheless, very few studies have examined a very particular form of an online trust that is trust…

The Impact of the Effectiveness of a Buzz Marketing Campaign on the Image, Awareness and Purchasing Decision: The Moderating Role of Involvement

Journal of Marketing Research and Case Studies
This research will be devoted to the study of buzz marketing, a concept that is in expansion in the present advertising landscape, to study its relevance and importance in corporate advertising communication. The object of this communication is to contribute to the comprehension of the…

Oxidative Stress Associated to Disease Progression and Toxicity during Antiretroviral Therapy in Human Immunodeficiency Virus Infection

Journal of Virology and Microbiology
Oxidative stress condition arises during imbalance between oxidants and antioxidants of diverse origin damaging both structure and function of tissues. Oxidative stress has been suggested as a cofactor during Human Immunodeficiency Virus Infection course involved in many aspects of disease pathogenesis as viral replication, inflammatory…

The Surgical Treatment of Irradiated Wounds: A Report on 36 Patients

Plastic Surgery: An International Journal
Radiation therapy, although a useful modality for cancer therapy, injures the surrounding uninvolved tissues. Although surgery is often necessary for non-healing ulcers, surgery of irradiated wounds is recognized as challenging. In this study, we evaluate the outcomes and complications of patients who underwent surgical treatment…

The University Quality Level Benchmarking: Can the Academic Library Users’ Satisfaction Serve as the Anchor of Service Performance Level?

Journal of e-Learning and Higher Education
The quest of university quality level is a never-ending journey, which is marked by searching a set of proper criteria. One of those criteria is the university’s library performance. This study aims at examining the university’s service performance level as a proxy of its quality…

Morphological Variations in Lumbricals of Hand — A Cadaveric Study

Plastic Surgery: An International Journal
The hand is a prehensile organ, it is endowed with grasping and precision movements for skilled work and it acts as a chief tactile apparatus. Thus human hand is a revolution in evolution. Indeed the lumbricals of the hand by producing flexion at the metacarpophalangeal…

A Comparison of the Psychological Outcomes of Cosmetic Surgical Procedures

Plastic Surgery: An International Journal
Studies of psychological outcomes of cosmetic surgery generally provide low standards of evidence due to significant methodological limitations and few studies have explored the outcomes of surgery types other than breast reduction or have compared post-operative outcomes for different surgery types. This study therefore aimed…

A New Pen Side Diagnostic Kit for Simultaneous Detection of Antibodies to Different Serotypes of Foot and Mouth Disease Virus in Sera

Journal of Virology and Microbiology
A field applicable kit for easily identifying the serotype of the pathogen causing infection in an area enables targeted vaccination against the prevalent serotypes only avoiding non prevalent serotypes. We have developed a multiplex agglutination based cheap and simple prototype pen side kit to differentiate…

The Impact of the Children’s Attitude and Identification to the Brand Characters in the Understanding of the Prescription Child-Mother-Frame of Reflection and Trial of Modeling-

Journal of Marketing Research and Case Studies
The objective of this research is to build a structural model which studies the causal relations between the concept of child’s attitude and identification to the brand characters, at first, and their impact on the prescription child-mother. A review of literature and a frame of reflection…

Private Equity and Venture Capital: Investment Fund Structures in Europe

Journal of Eastern Europe Research in Business and Economics
Suitable legal fund structures for private equity and venture capital (PE/VC) investments and their tax treatment have been considered as a key factor for stimulating the business environment. The Czech Venture Capital Association stresses that legal barriers are an important reason behind the limited scope…