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A New Pen Side Diagnostic Kit for Simultaneous Detection of Antibodies to Different Serotypes of Foot and Mouth Disease Virus in Sera

Journal of Virology and Microbiology
A field applicable kit for easily identifying the serotype of the pathogen causing infection in an area enables targeted vaccination against the prevalent serotypes only avoiding non prevalent serotypes. We have developed a multiplex agglutination based cheap and simple prototype pen side kit to differentiate…

The Impact of the Children’s Attitude and Identification to the Brand Characters in the Understanding of the Prescription Child-Mother-Frame of Reflection and Trial of Modeling-

Journal of Marketing Research and Case Studies
The objective of this research is to build a structural model which studies the causal relations between the concept of child’s attitude and identification to the brand characters, at first, and their impact on the prescription child-mother. A review of literature and a frame of reflection…

Private Equity and Venture Capital: Investment Fund Structures in Europe

Journal of Eastern Europe Research in Business and Economics
Suitable legal fund structures for private equity and venture capital (PE/VC) investments and their tax treatment have been considered as a key factor for stimulating the business environment. The Czech Venture Capital Association stresses that legal barriers are an important reason behind the limited scope…

Region Based Data Extraction

Communications of the IBIMA
Wrappers are tools used to extract relevant information from HTML pages. Current approaches use DOM tree, visual cue, and ontology to extract data. DOM tree based techniques are fast and simple. However, they are not as accurate as visual based wrappers due to lack of…

The Influence of Technology, Environment and User Acceptance on the Effectiveness of Information System Project Selection Using SEM

Journal of Southeast Asian Research
The selection of the present information system project is difficult because of the many factors that influence it. Information system project should pay attention to the user acceptance, technology and the environment in terms of their influence on the information system project selection. The purpose…

Anti-Angiogenic Therapy Combined with Chemoradiotherapy for Patients with Localized Advanced Rectal Cancer

Advances in Cancer Research & Treatment
In the last decade, major advances have been achieved in the treatment of rectal cancer. Results of randomized controlled trials have led to the introduction of total mesorectal excision and preoperative (chemo) radiotherapy as a standard multimodal treatment approach. By combining these different treatment modalities,…

The Trust as a Necessary Condition but Not Sufficient for the Psychological Contract

Journal of Human Resources Management Research
The perception of organizational injustice may trigger off a questioning of the trust established between both partners (employer and employee), which may cause a breach of the psychological contract and encourage the emergence of problems within the organization (doubt, mistrust, antisocial behavior, etc.). We support…

Large Intrathoracic Teratomas in Neonates: Surgical Considerations

International Journal of Case Reports in Medicine
We report the case of 3 mediastinal  teratomas, 1 intrapericardial immature and 2 mediastinal grade 0,  diagnosed in the 38th week of gestation (intrapericardial immature) in the last stage of pregnancy (mature mediastinal). The surgical resection of the masses was successfully undertaken shortly after birth. The histological description of tumor after excision has reported immature multicystic teratoma Grade 2 of 3, with immature neural tissue and without yolk sac tumor cells (for the intrapericardial case) and mature tissue grade 0 large masses, with all tissues represented at histology (for the extrapericardial…

An Internet-Based Health Communication Platform: Fostering Dialogue among University Faculty for Better Academics’ Health

Journal of e-health Management
This study aims to launch an e-health application to help motivate academics’ active participation in health-promoting activities. It is an on-going project about understanding and enhancing academics’ involvement in health-related activities. An Internet-based platform coined as Preparing Academics’ Health for Tomorrow’s Education (PAHTE) was designed…

Mobile Smartphones as Tools for ‘Efficient’ and ‘Effective’ Protesting: A Case Study of Mobile Protesting in Jamaica

Journal of Mobile Technologies, Knowledge and Society
This paper draws attention to the discourses surrounding the use of mobile smartphones for protesting (M-Protesting) in Jamaica. More specifically, it presents the findings of a qualitative descriptive research project which utilized a fusion of the case study and discourse analysis methodology to illustrate how…