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The Role and the Importance of the Greek SMEs in the Production of Innovation

Journal of Innovation and Business Best Practice
Innovation is widely recognized as a key factor in the economic development of nations. Innovation is also essential for the competitiveness of firms. Its importance is intensified by factors like the increased global competition, the decreased product lifecycles and the rapidly changing consumer demands. Large…

An Explanatory Model of Relational Orientation within Distribution Channels: A Conceptual Framework

Journal of Marketing Research and Case Studies
This paper examines relational orientation within distribution channels, a domain which is still little explored and which raises controversies. Specifically, our aim is to propose an explanatory model of relational orientation within distribution channels. To this end, a theoretical analysis of relationships within distribution channels…

Dimensions and Antecedents of Relationship Quality in a Business-to-Business Context: An Exploratory Study

Journal of Supply Chain and Customer Relationship Management
This research seeks to provide insights into seller-perceived relationship quality in the Business-to-Business context. A qualitative study was conducted through interviews with sixteen sellers from multiple sectors to identify dimensions and antecedents of buyer-seller relationships quality. In light of the findings stemming from thematic and lexical…

Supply Chain Performance Measurement Approaches: Review and Classification

Journal of Organizational Management Studies
Interest in the topic of supply chain performance measurement has notably increased in the last two decades and considerable research has been conducted in this area. The objective of this paper is not just to review the advancements in theory on supply chain performance measurement…

2012 Olympic Games Decision Making Technologies for Taekwondo Competition

Communications of the IBIMA
Leading up to the 2012 Olympic Games the demands for transparency and correctness in referee decision making in the sport of taekwondo increased dramatically to the extent where differing technologies were implemented for the first time at the Olympic level in London. This post Olympic…

Arabize: Localization Project Management

The MENA Journal of Business Case Studies
This case deals with project management at Arabize, a leading localization company in the Middle East. It describes the company, its customers, competitors, services, competitive advantage and resources. It then sheds light on the project lifecycle, with its order, production, QC and delivery phases. The…

Concurrent Chemoradiation for T3 Glottic Squamous Cell Carcinoma: A Reasonable Alternative to Upfront Laryngectomy

Advances in Cancer Research & Treatment
Introduction Upfront treatment options for stage III and IV larynx Squamous Cell Carcinoma (SCC) include laryngectomy or chemoradiation (CRT). The functional consequence of laryngectomy is debilitating (instant loss of voice in most cases) and significantly affects patients’ quality of life. This study examined the rate of…

Methods for Detection of Oxacillin Resistance among Coagulase-Negative Staphylococci Recovered from Patients with Bloodstream Infections at the University Hospital in Brazil

Journal of Virology and Microbiology
Coagulase-negative staphylococci (CoNS) are among the main causative agents of nosocomial infections, and multi-resistant strains has become a major issue over the past decades. The objectives of this study are to determine the frequency of oxacillin resistance among CoNS strains isolated from blood cultures of…

Impact Genetic Characterization of H5N1 Avian Influenza Virus Isolated from Dead Mute Swan (Cygnus Olor)

Journal of Virology and Microbiology
Background and aim: The influenza viruses pose a threat of emergence of a global pandemic influenza through point mutation or reassortment, leading to a strain that can effectively transmit among humans. In this study, the authors present phylogenetic and genetic evidences for the interlineage reassortment…

Strategic Role of Mobile Commerce (M-Commerce) Payment System: Establishing New Competitive Advantage

Journal of Electronic Banking Systems
A Mobile based payment system or m-commerce is an emerging issue of e-commerce in Malaysia. It is recognized by both academia and practitioners as one of the fastest growing and preferable medium of making business transactions. This study investigated the benefits of m-commerce payment method,…