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Continuous Improvement Proposal Process and Operating Model

Journal of Organizational Management Studies
The objective of this study is to create a harmonised continuous improvement operating model. In this study, the theoretical framework for continuous improvement was established on the basis of topical research in the field. The empirical part of the study, based on the interviews, is…

Responsible Business: The European Union is Driving Forward the European Strategies on Corporate Social Responsibility

Journal of EU Research in Business
Sustainable development is a great challenge for societies: in times facing a global recession, financial crisis, climate change, and energy crisis it is increasingly important to follow a long-term strategy for further development to reach sustainability. Corporate social responsibility is a concept whereby companies integrate…

An Empirical Study on E-banking Acceptance in the United Arab Emirates (UAE)

Journal of Electronic Banking Systems
While most banks in the UAE have adopted the Internet in providing various services, the understanding of the user acceptance of e-banking services remains limited. Prior studies on e-banking acceptance have been mainly conducted in the western countries. Given the different population and culture in…

Building E-Government 2.0 – A Step Forward in Bringing Government Closer to Citizens

Journal of e-Government Studies and Best Practices
This paper tracks the development of e-government towards the e-government 2.0 concept under the influence of WWW innovations and provides insight in how strategic goals of e-government 2.0 can be achieved in the Web 2.0 era. Although Western countries progress rapidly in achieving more open,…

Empirical Analysis of Malaysian Commercial Bank Risk Management Behavior In Relation To Efficiency

Journal of Financial Studies and Research
The researchers analyzed the risk management practices of banking institutions in Malaysia, to examine the impact of risk. The scope and sample of the study were nine commercial banks operating in Malaysia. The results were analyzed using Data Envelopment Analysis, a non-parametric approach, and later…

SRI Value Network Analysis

Journal of Financial Studies and Research
Sustainable and responsible investments (SRI) are the type of investment which aims to achieve financial returns while performing in terms of extra-financial aspects, such as social, environmental, governance, and ethical objectives. This article is an attempt to deepen the analysis of the SRI value network;…

Developing Therapy-Based IT Adoption Model for Microenterprises

Journal of Innovation Management in Small and Medium Enterprises
In Malaysia, microenterprises contribute to almost 80% of the national business establishment. While studies have consistently reported information technology plays an important role in flourishing business operations, the majority of microenterprises in Malaysia still have not utilized the IT to its full capacity. In this…

Effect of the Self-Efficacy on the Perceived Ethicality of Fear Appeals in Anti-Tobacco Advertising

Journal of Marketing Research and Case Studies
The Literature agrees that fear appeals are effective to attract attention and create motivation to quit smoking. However, theses threatening messages can easily raise ethical issues. This article outlines some ethical issues about the use of fear appeals. Also, it tries to understand the effect…

An Empirical Study on the Influence of Perceived Organizational Support on Academic Expatriates’ Organizational Commitment

Journal of Organizational Management Studies
The paper aims to examine the relationships between the perceived organizational support and expatriates’ organizational commitment. A total of 131 questionnaires was distributed to expatriate who are currently serving at a public university and a sample of 93 returned-questionnaires was used for further analysis. The…

The Effect of Chemotherapy on Cognition in Patients Treated for Colorectal Cancer

Advances in Cancer Research & Treatment
Chemotherapy-related cognitive impairment (CRCI) is commonly reported following the administration of chemotherapy to cancer patients, with most confirmatory results obtained from the cohort of breast cancer patients. The aims of the present study were to assess whether CRCI is consistently observed in people treated for…