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Cultural Influence in the Practice of Corporate Governance in Emerging Markets

Communications of the IBIMA
Corporate governance seeks to ensure a fair return on the investment and it also establishes incentives and procedures that meet the interests of shareholders while respecting other stakeholders’ interests in the organization. Corporate governance has become one of the hottest topics of discussion in the…

Toward Catalog of Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) Implementation Benefits for Measuring ERP Success

Journal of Human Resources Management Research
The growth of information technology (IT) and trend of e-business transform the business and shifts the business focus from the production into integrated operations. As the impact, enterprises have to adjust themselves by implementing IT systems in their businesses, including develop an integrated application infrastructure…

ITWorx: The Lean Journey – Top Suppliers Program

The MENA Journal of Business Case Studies
Implementing the concepts of Lean and Six Sigma is very common for manufacturing companies. Lately, the service industry started to embrace those concepts. In this case, we study the experience of a software service provider, ITWorx, and how they implemented Lean and six sigma to…

The Link between Export Performance and Export Development: Does Managements’ Motivation Play a Role?

Journal of Organizational Management Studies
Exporting is the most common and widely used mode to enter into business at an international level. Export performance is crucial to identify the performance level of the organizations. This measure determines whether the organization is performing well. However, export development is also critical since…

Management of Post-Purchase Regret

Journal of Supply Chain and Customer Relationship Management
The purpose of this article consists in exploring the regulation strategies of post purchase regret in the consumer. A qualitative approach was used via in-depth interviews, and focus groups were conducted. The results obtained allowed us to show that the consumer is often motivated to regulate…

Cause and Impact of Dispute and Delay the Closing of Final Account in Malaysia Construction Industry

Journal of Southeast Asian Research
Construction industry is realizing the plans and specifications for the physical structure. The project is success when it is completed to meet customer needs without any issues and problems in terms of time, quality and budget allocation. The budget allocation is important especially to get…

Random Walk Theory and the Romanian Capital Market A New Perspective

Journal of Financial Studies and Research
Forecasting rates of return, thus the attempt to predict the behavior of financial assets, with an increased degree of accuracy, represents one of the most outstanding challenges for the academic and investment area. The main purpose of the paper is to analyze past fluctuations of…

The Effect of Technology, Human and Social Networks in Serviceable Cross-Culture Business to-Consumer (B2C) Websites

Journal of Internet and e-business Studies
Business to-Consumer (B2C) e-commerce becomes more composite with the emerging growth of web services. Online Buyer expectations are often not taken into consideration in global and local B2C websites. Serviceability has made its approach into the e-commerce mainstream and emphases on how the web developers…

Measuring ‘Sustainable’ Innovation in Greece: A Patent Based Analysis

Journal of Innovation and Business Best Practice
This paper is the first attempt to measure ‘sustainable’ innovation in Greece. ‘Sustainable’ innovation is a critical dimension of sustainable development and a process where sustainability considerations, such as environmental, social, financial, are integrated into the generation of new ideas, leading to new R&D and…

A Process View on Product Management in Software Engineering Companies

Journal of Software and Systems Development
Software development is considered as a knowledge-intensive set of activities. Therefore, several business concepts are usually used to support it. Product management is not an exception. However, qualitative and quantitative characteristics of its application are influenced by the size of an organization, since small and…