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A Study Regarding the Elaboration of an Integrated Regional Cluster, as a Support for Agro-Industrial Business in the Romanian Rural Areas

Journal of Eastern Europe Research in Business and Economics
The clusters with agro-industrial profile were developed within this scientific paper, based on a new conception of the capitalization of agricultural production at a regional level. In this approach "the agricultural farms" are more than basic links of the agro-industrial chain, they are the "essential…

Intellectual Property Valuation Decision Support System for University Research Output: A Conceptual Model

Communications of the IBIMA
Commercializing university research outputs or intellectual property is an imperative facet in the National Economic Model of the 10th Malaysian Plan (2011-2015) whereby innovation-based economy is the vehicle identified to drive Malaysia into becoming a high-income nation. A vital aspect of this innovation-based economy is…

Conformance of Malaysia E-Commerce Blogs with Quality Content Theories

Journal of Internet and e-business Studies
Recently the use of blog as an e-commerce site has become popular in Malaysia. Significant changes can be seen in e-commerce usage as more people are connected to the Internet through faster broadband connection. Nonetheless, trust remains a major issue when it involves online transaction.…

Regional Labour Market in Romania

Journal of Eastern Europe Research in Business and Economics
The structural changes that occurred in Romania after 1990 generated significant socio-economic disparities. The North-East region stands out from the other regions through a reduced level of economic development, but with an important occupation potential. In this paper, the researchers will estimate the Cobb-Douglas type…

Stereotyping in Graduate Education: An Insight of Women’s Participation in Malaysia

Journal of e-Learning and Higher Education
An equal access to the higher education in terms of gender has been successfully promoted in Malaysia. An increasing number of women succeeded in having secured places and graduating from local private and public universities in this country. This shows that more and more women…

Social Media — Is It Worth The Trouble?

Journal of Internet Social Networking and Virtual Communities
Marketing environment has changed due to the advent of the internet, the subsequent globalization and the hence ensuing greater competition. These environmental dynamics cause serious challenges for marketers. First, a strong marketing orientation is more important than ever to promote products and services successfully. It…

Trust in Mobile Banking Adoption in Malaysia: A Conceptual Framework

Journal of Mobile Technologies, Knowledge and Society
Despite the increasing number of retail banks providing mobile banking services, the adoption rate among consumers is still very low. One of the critical issues identified by researchers is the aspect of trust. In a mobile banking environment, three categories of trustees are equally important…

Factors Affecting Customers’ Decision for Taking out Bank Loans: A Case of Greek Customers

Journal of Marketing Research and Case Studies
The concept of loyalty has received much consideration from both academics and practitioners in various industries and is a predominant research topic in the banking industry. Identifying the factors that affect customers’ decision to take out a loan from a particular bank has become an…

A Comparative Analysis of Demographic Transition in the Central and Eastern European Countries

Journal of Eastern Europe Research in Business and Economics
The demographic transition is a process which involves the movement from high birth and death rates to low values and from high population growth rates to a relatively stable dynamic of population. If in the countries of Western Europe this pattern can be seen easily,…

Viral Innovation: Integration via Sustainability & Enterprise Excellence

Journal of Innovation and Business Best Practice
Enterprises face mounting challenges in three generic sustainability domains that form the basis of the so-called triple bottom line: economic sustainability, societal sustainability, and environmental sustainability. In most instances, it is the primacy of economic sustainability that is emphasized since an enterprise that is not…