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A Review of E-Financial Reporting Research

Journal of Internet and e-business Studies
Internet is a very exciting medium to look into especially with regards to presentation, disclosure and financial reporting. The Internet also has become one of users’ most frequently used sources of information. Consistent with the innovation of the Internet as a cheap but powerful communication…

Business Intelligence Model for Sustainability of the Malaysian Rural Telecenters

Journal of Southeast Asian Research
The objective of this paper is to galvanize research on rural telecenters sustainability.  The research explores the sustainability of the Malaysian rural telecenters with the support of business intelligence (BI).  It is posited that BI methods and tools could play vital role in assisting telecenters…

Knowledge Management to Promote Occupational Safety and Health at the Malaysian Manufacturing Workplace: Reposed in Occupational Safety and Health Committees?

Journal of Organizational Knowledge Management
Occupational safety and health committees (OSHCs) have been mandated in Malaysian workplaces regardless of type by section 30 of the Occupational Safety and Health Act 1994 (OSHA 1994).  Workplaces with 40 or more employees must establish OSHCs.  They are a form of employee involvement in…

IT Politics in the Domain of Knowledge Workers: A Chronological Analysis of Learning Management Systems

IBIMA Business Review
Markus’s study of IT politics has been influential for the IT implementation literature since the 1980s. However, mistakes of the top-down implementation approach could still be easily found in many organizations. Derived from Markus’s notion of interaction theory and Drucker’s work on knowledge workers, this…

A Study on Ethical Investment Behaviour among Malaysian General Insurance Fund Managers

Journal of Financial Studies and Research
The purpose of this paper is to investigate the Ethical investment behaviour and predictors which is relatively new field of study among a General Insurance Fund Manager in Malaysia in order to refine in an ethical behavioural scope. A questionnaire-based survey was used to collect…

Investigating the Relationship Between Knowledge Sharing Strategies and Organizational Excellence Pillars

Communications of the IBIMA
Although it is generally accepted that only organizations with a commitment to knowledge sharing and organizational excellence will remain competitive, there are an alarmingly low number of public organizations that have been identified as having the basics of excellence in the fourth cycle (2008/2009) of …

Determining the Career Success among the Hotel Managers in Northern States: The Role of Personality Traits

Journal of Southeast Asian Research
This study looks at the role of personality towards career success among the hotel managers in Northern states of Malaysia. Although, there is a growing body of literature on managers and their career success, this growing literature is rather prescriptive and logic-deductive in career success.…

Achieving Competitive Advantage (CA) through Information Infrastructure Capability (IIC): An Empirical Justification

Communications of the IBIMA
The goals of most of the organisations are achieving their sustainable competitive advantage (CA) challenges. One of the organizational initiatives is to invest appropriate information infrastructures. However, organisations may face difficulties to select effective information infrastructures in their respective situations to achieve CA from elusive…

Organisational Culture, Leadership Styles and Employee’s Affective Commitment to Change: A Case of Yemen Public Sector

Journal of Organizational Management Studies
The purpose of this study is to examine the effect of leadership style on the affective commitment to change, moderated by the organisational culture. The research adopts both qualitative and quantitative approaches through a survey with 371 employees of public organisations in Yemen, as well…

Analysis of the level of Emotional Intelligence among Executives in the Small and Medium Sized Enterprises

Journal of Human Resources Management Research
The purpose of this research is to study the level of emotional intelligence among executives in small and medium sized enterprises particularly from the manufacturing sector. SMEs have problems in attracting and retaining their employees. For the purpose of the study, the GENOS Emotional Intelligence…