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Factors Affecting E-Service Satisfaction

Communications of the IBIMA
User satisfaction is an important predictor of online consumer behavior and the success of a web-based system. If customers are satisfied with the services received through the online system, it is likely they will keep using the system. To examine factors affecting user satisfaction with…

Exploring Information Quality in Accounting Information Systems Adoption

Communications of the IBIMA
Information Quality (IQ) Management plays a vital role in the process of Accounting Information Systems (AIS) adoption. IQ is emerging as a well-known business problem in modern organisations. Specifically, the level of information quality is critical for all accounting processes, and has a significant impact…

A Framework for Information Quality Assessment Using Six Sigma Approach

Communications of the IBIMA
Impacts of poor quality of information are felt at every level in an organisation. To mitigate these impacts, information quality must be assessed and managed. However, obtaining accurate measurements and cost-effective assessments of information quality have proven to be an extremely difficult task due to…

Information Security Solutions Status and the Roadmap for Future Requirements

Journal of Information Assurance & Cybersecurity
Information Security (InfoSec) Surveys conducted worldwide show that the number and type of InfoSec attacks is expanding daily.  This is verified and validated through a survey discussed in this paper. The paper asks a number of questions concerning InfoSec issues, outlines a survey designed to…

Critical Success Factors for Knowledge Transfer via Government Websites

Journal of e-Government Studies and Best Practices
The transfer of knowledge pertaining to government is central to the success of e-government websites. The purpose of this paper is to investigate how Australian government website providers perceive critical success factors (CSFs) for the transfer of knowledge from government to users (citizens, business entities,…

Promoting Ubiquity and Interoperability among Health Information Systems Using an SOA Based Architecture

Journal of e-health Management
Health information systems are of extreme importance and they became an intrinsic part of the healthcare sector. However, in today’s molds and with the advent of the Internet and mobile devices, a paradigm shift, from the current isolated systems to interoperable distributed systems, that take…

Gender, Age, and Education: Do They Really Moderate Online Music Acceptance?

Communications of the IBIMA
The objective of this paper is to investigate whether gender, age, and education really moderate online music acceptance of early adopters. An empirical survey was used to test the hypotheses. Data were collected from a total of 200 questionnaires distributed to early adopters of online…

Simulation of Sequencing Rules Using Witness in a Milling Job Shop

Communications of the IBIMA
Simulation is essential when studying manufacturing processes or designing production systems. This project was a real case study which involved a job shop with five similar CNC milling machines. A total of six jobs were performed and each of them consisted of a different set…

Layered Approach to Open Source Software Development Success

Communications of the IBIMA
Open source has emerged as a widely accepted software development phenomenon which has tremendously brought about a significant paradigm shift from traditional software development methodologies such as top down design and stepwise refinement to an unconventional software development approach by means of collaborative software development…

Knowledge Management and SMEs: A Study of Knowledge Management Utilization by SMEs in Iran

IBIMA Business Review
Creating and sustaining a competitive advantage is a knowledge-based activity and those companies that are aware of knowledge management concepts and utilize it within their organizations have an edge over their competitors. Small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) play a major role in developing countries’ growth…