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Experimental Study of the Impact of the Media Context Appreciation on the Attitude of Children towards the Advertising Message

Journal of Marketing Research and Case Studies
Despite the importance of the research studies conducted in the field of marketing and children, reflection on this young market and more particularly on the effects of the media context on the children’s persuasion process is rare. Starting from this observation, the current study is…

Syllabus Management System for Academics Practicing Knowledge Management

Journal of Organizational Knowledge Management
Knowledge management, a very popular term which describes a range of practices used by organizations to identify, create, represent, and distribute knowledge for reuse, awareness and learning across the organization. This paper will discuss a practice used by academics in Centre for Diploma Programme (CDP)…

Enablers and Inhibitors of SISP: A Case Study of a Korean Large Corporation

Communications of the IBIMA
Within more turbulent, and increasingly globalized and digitalized environments, Strategic Information Systems Planning (SISP) has long been recognized as one of the most significant factors for better management. More recently, SISP has been included as one of the important components of IT governance frameworks. However,…

Graphing Calculator for Probability Students: How Was It Perceived?

IBIMA Business Review
Most students see Mathematics as one of the most challenging and stressful subjects, which if given an option, would rather opt out than undertake it. With low motivation and interest levels, the thought of undertaking a course in Mathematics can be worrying for some. Consequently,…

IT Enabled Engineering Asset Management: A Governance Perspective

Journal of Organizational Knowledge Management
Engineering asset lifecycle management requires a variety of information as well as operational technologies to keep their asset base in running condition In theory these technologies are used in collection, storage, and analysis of information spanning asset lifecycle processes; providing decision support capabilities through analytic…

Cognitive Load and Learning Styles of Mobile Workers: Future directions

Communications of the IBIMA
The wide use of mobile information and communication technologies in working practices offers new opportunities to workers to absorb and process information in different ways, different places and consequently to support their learning anytime anywhere. However, owing to this mobilization, mobile devices contribute to work…

Experienced Benefits and Barriers of E-Business Technology Adoption by SME Suppliers

Communications of the IBIMA
E-business technologies present unique opportunities and challenges for businesses, and Small & Medium Enterprises (SMEs) are no exception. However, there is a rich body of the e-business literature concentrates on adoption concerns from SMEs buyers’ viewpoint, little research has so far been reported from the…

Profitability of Momentum Strategies in Emerging Markets: Evidence from Nairobi Stock Exchange

Journal of Financial Studies and Research
This paper tests the profitability of momentum strategies in Kenya, an emerging market for the period 1995 to 2007. Both relative strength strategies (RSS) and (weighted relative strength strategies (WRSS) are employed to implement momentum-based trading strategies. Analysis revealed that Nairobi Stock Exchange (NSE) exhibit…

Developing a Mobile Curriculum Vitae Using Weblog: A Cross-disciplinary Survey on University Students’ Perception Based on Technology Acceptance Model

Journal of Southeast Asian Research
A traditional Curriculum Vitae (CV) fails to highlight the candidates’ strength, skills and achievement effectively. Thus, graduates are unable to sell and present themselves in an interactive way in order to impress the employer. In the digital age, mobile phones and Wi-Fi are ubiquitous; thus,…

Strategic Instruments for University Performance Evaluation in the Context of the Economy Based on Knowledge

Journal of e-Learning and Higher Education
The first objective of knowledge economy is to capitalize on the human resource through the potential of the knowledge and cognitive skills of the latter. An important role in educating and training the human resource in the economic field is played by specialized universities, which,…