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Decision-Making Styles of Arab Executives: Insights from Tunisia

Communications of the IBIMA
The main purpose of this research is to identify the decision-making styles of Tunisian managers. The relationships between their value systems and decision styles and between their decision styles and certain demographic variables (such as level of education, age, etc.) and organizational variables (such as…

Facilitating Referee’s Decision Making in Sport via the Application of Technology

Communications of the IBIMA
The aim of this study was to examine the current uses of technologies to assist referee decision making processes in professional and Olympic sports, to provide the platform for the facilitation of correct decisions. Through discussion groups and interviews, five major sports in Australia were…

A Reflection of Search Engine Strategies

Communications of the IBIMA
Cost efficiency has been a dominant perspective in the traditional IT literature. However, in complex technology and business environment, the widely recognized cost efficient assumption of information technology has been increasingly challenged. Drawing from a case study of wireless network implementation situated in a politically…

Export Intention of Small and Medium Tunisian Enterprises

Communications of the IBIMA
Due to globalization, export is considered as an essential asset for the continuity and profitability of businesses. Nevertheless, export is a complex process. To initiate and to develop this strategy, a business must clear away the internal and external constraints and take advantage of the…

Effect of Innovation to the Success of Female Entrepreneurs

Journal of Innovation Management in Small and Medium Enterprises
This ongoing study investigates the characteristics of innovation and its influence as a success factor for female entrepreneurs in Malaysia. It starts by presenting an extensive review of literatures in the area of entrepreneurship, particularly focusing on women entrepreneurs. Purposive sampling, namely snowball sampling method…

When Cost-Efficient Technologies Meet Politics: A Case Study of Radical Wireless Network Implementation

Communications of the IBIMA
Cost efficiency has been a dominant perspective in the traditional IT literature. However, in complex technology and business environment, the widely recognized cost efficient assumption of information technology has been increasingly challenged. Drawing from a case study of wireless network implementation situated in a politically…

Perspectives on Digital Content Markets: A Literature Review of Trends in Technologies, Business and Consumer Behaviour

Communications of the IBIMA
In this paper, we focus on digital content markets (DCMs), which have typically been seen as an offspring of technological and business innovations. However, recent trends indicate that these two perspectives are not enough when attempting to understand how DCMs actually work. Technology is obviously…

Accessibility Evaluation on Malaysian E-Government Websites

Journal of e-Government Studies and Best Practices
he advent of the WWW has caused a dramatic evolution in getting the information. From the web, most of the people nowadays can get information easily from Internet from anywhere and anytime. These Web sites also become an important tool that the government used to…

An Integrative Approach to Inter-organizational System Implementation and Evaluation: the Case of Government-to-Business

Communications of the IBIMA
Over the years, government-to-business (G2B) as an inter-organizational system has emerged as an essential part of e-government systems. Its development and usage have not only been expected to contribute to efficient and effective operations, but G2B is also anticipated for better transparency, reduced costs and…

Putting sustainability at the core of knowledge management performance evaluation system

Journal of Organizational Knowledge Management
With the transformation of managerial views and the increasing focus on knowledge and intellectual capitals as the most important resources to the organizations, the necessity for retaining these resources and monitoring their effectiveness in order to know how they are utilized becomes significant. As for…