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The Knowledge Based Society — Myth or Reality for Romania?

Communications of the IBIMA
As at microeconomic level the human capital is one of the most important assets of any company and the only one that can undermine its future development from within, as well the human capital regarded as stock and flow of knowledge can cause the regress…

A Framework for Designing Usable Localised Business Websites

Communications of the IBIMA
Website localisation is the process of adapting the linguistic and cultural content of an internationalised web design for a specific target audience in a specific locale. With the advent of globalisation, website l ocalisation is becoming a powerful way to attract online customers in a…

E-business Maturity and Information Technology In Portuguese SMEs

Communications of the IBIMA
The latest technological advances made over recent times led to a profound market change, characterized by increased competition. In order to be competitive, organizations have been forced to adapt themselves to this new reality, seeking innovative solutions permitting them to achieve lower costs, greater productivity…

Small Medium Enterprises’ Resources and the Development of Innovation in Malaysia

Journal of Innovation Management in Small and Medium Enterprises
More recent research has shifted attention from tangible to intangible resources as it perceived to be more important from a strategic point of view, since they bring together more frequently the requirements necessary for producing sustainable advantage: to be valuable, rare and difficult to imitate…

Leadership Styles and Management Techniques: An Analysis of Malaysian Women Entrepreneurs

Communications of the IBIMA
Leaders of organizations need to lead and manage effectively to succeed. Thus, women entrepreneurs who are becoming more prominent in the business arena, have to be good leaders and managers. This study aims to identify the relationship of leadership styles which are charismatic and transformational…

The Impact of Label Perception on the Consumer’s Purchase Intention: An application on food products

IBIMA Business Review
Within a context of fears concerning food raised by multiple crises and uncertainties, consumers naturally seek to reassure themselves as to the various components of food products. Here, certification remains a tool capable of reducing the consumers’ doubts about product quality. This paper will try…

Determinants of Mobile Payment Usage in Malaysia: A Conceptual Perspective

Journal of Electronic Banking Systems
The objective of this paper is to develop specific factors that could influence consumers’ intention to use mobile payment systems. Mobile payment system enables users to make payment via Short-Message-Service (SMS). This paper examines potential key determinants of mobile payment in Malaysia through three perspectives:…

Clean Production Strategies Adoption: A Survey on Food and Beverage Manufacturing Sector

Communications of the IBIMA
Clean production strategies are the continuous application of an integrated, preventive environmental strategies applied to process, products and services to increase overall efficiency and reduce risks to humans and the environment. This paper provides an analysis of factors influencing the adoption of clean production strategies…

A Proposed Framework for E-Government Knowledge Infrastructures for Africa’s Transition Economies

Journal of e-Government Studies and Best Practices
This paper proposes an empirically founded framework for building E-Government knowledge infrastructures in transition economies such as those in Africa. The proposed framework builds on the concepts of nomadic information environments. The framework, under the acronym NECE (Nomadic E-Government Co-Evolutionary) framework, caters for the three…

The Control Environment, Employee Fraud and Counterproductive Workplace Behaviour: An Empirical Analysis

Communications of the IBIMA
The increasing use of technology for both productive and managerial business functions raises new issues related to fraud and internal control.  Fraud is on an increasing trend and if left unchecked can cause significant losses to employers. This study therefore investigates the relationship between employees’…