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Stakes and Limits of the Installation of Tool “E-Competences” in SME of the BTP

Communications of the IBIMA
The interest of this article will be on the one hand to draw up a panorama of the reality of E-HR in France taking into consideration practice and tools but it will be interested, on the other hand with a particular example, that of SME,…

Development of an Educational Portal to Enhance the Data Accuracy of the Institution Repositories

Journal of Enterprise Resource Planning Studies
Organisations store large amounts of data in their different databases; this data may be considered part of their wealth, and should be used for organisational benefit. Data integration may be done through new software applications, which contribute to planning by using innovative information products. There…

Key Factors for Developing a Successful E-commerce Website

Communications of the IBIMA
The most experienced and successful E-commerce companies are beginning to realize that key determinants of success or failure are not merely a web presence or low price but delivering on a high quality website. To attain the desired quality of website software, it is necessary…

Understanding Customer Satisfaction in the IT Outsourcing Environment: A Classification of Quality Attributes

Journal of Outsourcing and Organizational Information Management
Customer satisfaction is important to outsourcing success and hence outsourcing contract continuation.  However, with an increasingly competitive environment and a reportedly low success rate, maximizing customer satisfaction naturally tops the challenge chart for IT outsourcing vendors.  This paper describes a research-in-progress that aims at first…

Performance Benchmarking in Turkish Food and Beverage Industry

Communications of the IBIMA
As the competition in the business world shifts from organizational to supply chain level and consequently include multi dimensions such as cost, quality and speed; efficiency and benchmarking analyses of supply chains require special attention. Within this context, this paper benchmarks the performance of Turkish…

Managing Organizational Knowledge:An empirical Study in Jordanian pharmaceutical industry

Communications of the IBIMA
Enabling knowledge creation (EKC) is an important issue in knowledge society. This study empirically examines the relationship between enabling knowledge creation and knowledge conversion in Jordanian pharmaceutical industry. Currently, managers need to support knowledge creation process rather than control it. Enablers knowledge may be able…

The Knowledge Based Society — Myth or Reality for Romania?

Communications of the IBIMA
As at microeconomic level the human capital is one of the most important assets of any company and the only one that can undermine its future development from within, as well the human capital regarded as stock and flow of knowledge can cause the regress…

A Framework for Designing Usable Localised Business Websites

Communications of the IBIMA
Website localisation is the process of adapting the linguistic and cultural content of an internationalised web design for a specific target audience in a specific locale. With the advent of globalisation, website l ocalisation is becoming a powerful way to attract online customers in a…

E-business Maturity and Information Technology In Portuguese SMEs

Communications of the IBIMA
The latest technological advances made over recent times led to a profound market change, characterized by increased competition. In order to be competitive, organizations have been forced to adapt themselves to this new reality, seeking innovative solutions permitting them to achieve lower costs, greater productivity…

Small Medium Enterprises’ Resources and the Development of Innovation in Malaysia

Journal of Innovation Management in Small and Medium Enterprises
More recent research has shifted attention from tangible to intangible resources as it perceived to be more important from a strategic point of view, since they bring together more frequently the requirements necessary for producing sustainable advantage: to be valuable, rare and difficult to imitate…