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Planning and Scheduling Methods and their Applications in ERP Systems on the Czech Market

Communications of the IBIMA
Production and logistical processes are some of the most critical processes in every industrial enterprise. Mastering these processes has a direct influence not only upon the entrepreneurial activities of individual firms, but also on the whole of the supplier-customer chain and on industrial branches as…

(1+1)-EA for Econometric Models. The Comassability of the Matrix of States

Communications of the IBIMA
Many topics related to stability of equilibrium, equilibrium selection, transitional dynamics, the long-run evolutionary dynamics of economic processes or other microeconomic or macroeconomic concepts are of the most importance in economic studies and often involve a set of optimization techniques able to provide the best…

The Opportunity for a Reconsideration of the Dimensions of the Assessment Model of the Customers Satisfaction

Communications of the IBIMA
This paper started from the implementation of the sustainable development concept, for every organization. This requests the reconsideration of the environmental protection and quality assurance policies role, inside of the organizations. The authors consider that the utilization of the specific methods, techniques and instruments request…

The Romanian Entrepreneurial Venture Profile Types

Communications of the IBIMA
This paper presents some preliminary results from a research project aiming to evaluate how the entrepreneurial skills would capture the effect of the knowledge and abilities acquired by founders through their education, training, work experience and the Romanian values, organizational and managerial practices reflect on…

Object-Relational Databases: An Area with Some Theoretical Promises and Few Practical Achievements

Communications of the IBIMA
This paper tries to point out some of the promises, quarrels, achievements, and perspectives of the forced marriage between the relational and object-oriented data models, from both theoretical and implementation perspectives. As practical O-R achievements, the latest SQL standards (SQL:1999-2008) and Oracle implementation are discussed

Using Fuzzy Sets To Define the Information’s Quantity

Communications of the IBIMA
Information is considered as a change of a fuzzy set expressing a state.  In this case, a mange of state is equivalent to a change in the grade of membership   of an element x belonging to a fuzzy set A. The quantity of information can…

Web Based Application for SMEs Economic and Financial Diagnose

Communications of the IBIMA
Effectiveness, efficiency and profitability are examples of major aspects that must be highly considered by any Small and Medium-sized Enterprise (SME) interested in obtaining better economic results. Therefore, in order to achieve better fulfillment of SMEs economic and financial objectives, using a computerized instrument for…

Analysing Micro-Innovation Processes: Universities and Enterprises Collaboration

Communications of the IBIMA
This paper discusses one form of inno-vation work in the area of human technology and its research at universities with The focus is on how to get swiftly advancing basic research knowledge quickly into product development processes.  The paper discusses a  innovation improvement model. The…

Issues in Software Development Practices A South African Software Practitioners’ Viewpoint

Communications of the IBIMA
Software development is a process tasked with the development of artefacts that are used to implement organizational information systems. Depending on the social, economical and environmental setting, different software practices are used. These, however, have an effect on the resultant software product.  In this paper,…

Demographic Factors and Knowledge Sharing Quality among Malaysian Government Officers

Communications of the IBIMA
Knowledge sharing is one of the important elements in knowledge management. Previous works indicate that employees are reluctant to share knowledge among themselves. Many factors impede knowledge sharing among employees in organizations. One of those factors is demography. The purpose of this study is to…