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The Evolution of the ICT Sector in Egypt — Partnership4Development

Communications of the IBIMA
Emerging information and communication technology (ICT) is setting the pace for a changing, competitive and dynamic global marketplace and representing an enabling platform for business and socioeconomic development in the 21st century. In that respect, developing nations are urged to keep pace regularly with the…

Analysis of Corporate Environmental Reports using Statistical Techniques and Data Mining

Communications of the IBIMA
Measuring the effectiveness of corporate environmental reports, it being highly qualitative and less regulated, is often considered as a daunting task. The task becomes more complex if comparisons are to be performed. This study is undertaken to overcome the physical verification problems by implementing data…

Innovation Project Lifecycle Prolongation Method

Communications of the IBIMA
In this article the technique allowing is considered to prolongation of lifecycle of innovation product by its modernisation and release of a new consumer market product. It is reached by time definition and financial resources and also formalistic approach application for base innovation modernisation. The…

The Development and Diffusion of IS Standards in the Canadian Healthcare Industry: An Industry Level Analysis

Communications of the IBIMA
There are major steps being taken at national, provincial, regional, and organizational levels to increase the implementation of information systems (IS) in the healthcare system. Developing and implementing nationally accessible electronic health records in the form of panCanadian electronic health records is the ultimate goal…

Examining IT Outsourcing Decisions and Practices of Small and Medium Enterprises in Malaysia

Communications of the IBIMA
IT outsourcing business tends to be the domain of large companies. However, with increase saturation of outsourcing market among large companies, the under-exploited SME market emerges as a potentially lucrative playground for vendors. SMEs, confined by limited resources, can benefit from having external services. Literature…

Electronic Commerce Adoption Barriers in Small and Medium-Sized Enterprises (SMEs) in Developing Countries: The Case of Libya

IBIMA Business Review
Today e-commerce has become crucial element to transform some of the world countries into an information society. However, several calls have been made to meet the association between the perceptions of e-commerce adoption barriers in developing countries. This paper focuses on the main challenges facing…

WiMAX or LTE: Which Technology to Adopt? A Comprehensive Comparative Study

Communications of the IBIMA
The industry landscape in telecommunications is changing rapidly at the moment. Services are increasingly shifting from voice to data and from circuit-switched to packet-switched ones. LTE and WiMAX are the two technologies poised to dominate next generation mobile networks. Battle between LTE & WiMAX technologies…

Factors Affecting Continued Usage of Internet Banking Among Egyptian Customers

Communications of the IBIMA
This research aims to understand and explain customers continued intention to use internet banking in Egypt. The research starts with reviewing well-known theories of  behavioural intentions  such as  the theory of reasoned action, the theory of planned behaviour, the theory of decomposed  planned behaviour, the…

English/Arabic Cross Language Information Retrieval (CLIR) for Arabic OCR-Degraded Text

Communications of the IBIMA
In this paper, a novel for Query Translation and Expansion for enabling English/Arabic CLIR for both normal and OCR-Degraded Arabic Text model has been proposed, implemented, and tested. First, an English/Arabic Word Collocations Dictionary has been established plus reproducing three English/Arabic Single Words Dictionaries. Second,…

Success Factors for an Information Systems Projects Team Creating New Context

Communications of the IBIMA
This paper aims to investigate the factors that influence cohesion and success of an IS project team. Based on the literature regarding project team success and IS, a complex framework has been adopted in order to develop the research model for the study. Consequently, the…