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Organizational Innovative Capabilities: An Empirical Study of Malaysian Firms

Journal of Innovation and Business Best Practice
The role and importance of organizational innovativeness or innovative capability, in attaining competitive advantage has been widely discussed. Most research examines innovation activities and their associations with organizational characteristics or investigates certain perspectives of innovative capability, such as product innovation. Much less attention, however, has…

Knowledge Management and Performance among Top Emerging Market Companies

Communications of the IBIMA
This study examines knowledge management trend of top Fortune Global multinational enterprises from emerging markets and it’s relation to business performance. Drawing on the resource-based and its extension, knowledge-based strategic management theories, it is argued that companies that best manage their intangible resources such as…

Adaptive Dynamic Scheduling in Agent Based Manufacturing Environment: A Budget Approach

Communications of the IBIMA
The competition environment is characterized by significant market shifting, rapid development and introduction new technologies and global competition with the focus towards customer need. In order to play in such an environment, enterprises need to build reactive and agile manufacturing systems capable of adapting to…

E-Procurement in Catalogue Based E-Marketplace by Multi Agent Approach

Communications of the IBIMA
The research presented in this paper proposes an innovative agent-based approach for planning and “no-negotiation” approach in catalogue based emarketplace. In e-marketplace, production planning tools allow creating a link between commercialization and production activities providing a better service for the customer and for the supplier.…

Privacy and the Indian Constitution: A Case Study of Encryption

Communications of the IBIMA
The growth of telecommunication and electronic commerce has led to a growing commercial market for digital encryption technologies. Business need encryption to protect and to establish secure links with their customer .Law enforcement needs it to stop those under investigation from intercepting police communications. Individuals…

RFID Based IT Asset Tracking: Options for South Australia Water

IBIMA Business Review
Adoption of RFID technology in Australia is only recently escalating, due mainly to the new standards that have emerged which have more acceptance as opposed to the previous ones which were application specific and had narrow usability. This paper provides an application of RFID technology…

Liability Issues in Internet Banking In Malaysia

Communications of the IBIMA
Electronic banking, particularly internet banking has revolutionized the banking industry making transactions faster and more convenient. But security issues present a pressing concern. Even with the best supervisory and security devices losses may occur. This paper examines the regulatory framework in Malaysia as set out…

Understanding Retention of IT Professionals in Vendor Organizations: A Job Embeddedness Model

Journal of Outsourcing and Organizational Information Management
A major challenge facing the IT outsourcing industry is the high rate of turnover among IT professionals.  Skilled and talented IT professionals are assets to organizations.  When they leave, loses in the forms of human, knowledge, and social capital can be so substantial that it…

E-health Business Models: From Pilot Project to Successful Deployment

IBIMA Business Review
Innovation in healthcare through information systems can be seen as the land of opportunities. Ehealth promises both quality improvements and higher efficiency but many of these systems end up as “successful pilots”. Although end users are satisfied and initial objectives are reached in terms of…

Usage of Accounting Information among Malaysian Bumiputra Small and Medium Non-Manufacturing Firms

Journal of Enterprise Resource Planning Studies
This paper reports the results of a descriptive study which investigates usage of accounting information and computerized accounting information system (AIS) among non-manufacturing bumiputra small and medium sized firms (SMEs) in Malaysia. Using mail questionnaire survey, data was collected from 136 firms. Findings from this…