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Corporate Advertising Web Sites as Integrated Relationship Marketing Media

Communications of the IBIMA
Over the last decade corporate advertising web sites have evolved from simple advertising content carriers to advanced interactive multimedia applications that incorporate multiple promotional, advertising and communication strategies. This study focuses on their role as integrated relationship marketing mediums. Specifically, communication, feedback and customer service…

Challenges to Describe QoS Requirements for Web Services Quality Prediction to Support Web Services Interoperability in Electronic Commerce

Communications of the IBIMA
Quality of service (QoS) is significant and necessary for web service applications quality assurance. Furthermore, web services quality has contributed to the successful implementation of Electronic Commerce (EC) applications. However, QoS is still the big issue for web services research and remains one of the…

RFID and Data Capture Technologies in Global Service Supply Chains: Meeting the Information Management Challenge

Communications of the IBIMA
Data capture technologies such as RFID promise customer centric global service supply chains, but simultaneously threaten data overload. We argue that novel approaches to information management are required to successfully manage the data from sensor-based data capture technologies and to integrate them into successful inter-organizational…

The Commitments made by India under the GATS negotiations: A study of the Impact of these Commitments

Communications of the IBIMA
Developing countries need to ensure that multilateral rules and commitments on trade in services contribute to economically rational policy-making at the national and international levels. This paper shows that India’s modest participation during Uruguay /Doha Round negotiations, and assumption of defensive positions, has not been…

The Determinants of Online Hotel Reservations among University Staffs

Communications of the IBIMA
To compete in the current business environment, hoteliers need to cut down their distribution costs and adopt the electronic distribution channels such as the Internet. However, Malaysian hotels have been relatively slow in adapting this due to the current preference of using traditional method of…

The Digital Economy and the Evolution of Waste Electrical and Electronic Equipment in European Union

Communications of the IBIMA
The development of the digital economy generates countless effects on society and on the environment. The creation of the new business models via the internet and the large scale employment of the information technology, which guarantees the economic growth in conditions of increased environmental protection,…

Online Word of Mouth as a Determination in Adolescents’ Purchase Decision Making: The Influence of Expertise and Involvement

Communications of the IBIMA
Because of the abundant information available on the Internet, adolescents can gain product knowledge with little effort. Nowadays, Internet serves as a new channel besides family members for adolescents to seek information. This study examines the associations of intention to consult online word-of-mouth to purchase…

Semantic Integration of Knowledge Management Systems

Communications of the IBIMA
Ontologies are essential for a semantic integration of knowledge components which can be seen as superior pieces of intellectual capital. Knowledge structures connect individual or group knowledge elements from organizational knowledge bases that have been developed independently. This can aid search and navigation for the…

Modelling User Trust and Mobile Payment Adoption: A Conceptual Framework

Communications of the IBIMA
The proliferation of new technologies and the changing dynamics of industry competition have spurred growth in innovative production, marketing and consumption. The need for convenience has also fuelled enormous interest in the use of mobile payment innovations, which in turn creates security challenges for users.…

Intellectual Capital of Enterprises in Thailand: Measurement Model by Baysean Network Algorithm

Communications of the IBIMA
Intellectual Capital (IC) is one type of capital which is known as an intangible asset of an organization. Therefore, IC is claimed to be a valuable asset in the organization. However, the study of IC was not widely conducted in Thailand. IC includes human capital,…