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A Challenge Based Evaluation of Service Information Systems

Communications of the IBIMA
Beside industrial product and solution business industrial services become increasingly important. The solution business for industrial plants poses challenges, which require the use of appropriate service information systems (SIS). In order to support the user actively during service execution the SIS developer needs to know…

An Empirical Study of Learning Object Acceptance in Multimedia Learning Environment

Communications of the IBIMA
The purpose of this study was to develop Learning Object Acceptance Model (LOAM) to examine the underlying factors and causal relationships that determine learners’ behavioral intention to use multimedia learning objects in higher education. This study called for the 342 respondents to progress through two…

Measuring the Optimal Transmission Power of GSM Cellular Network: A Case Study

Communications of the IBIMA
Mobility management is a leading factor in personal communications services networks. Thus, it is important to verify that the mobile unit receives all services whenever moving from one place to another. This paper deals with the study and analysis of the optimal transmission power at…

Mathematical Modeling of the Organization Performances by Improving a System Diagnostic

Communications of the IBIMA
Lately, the deep transformations taking place into the structure of human society determines the conceptual reconsideration of the way of approaching the organization management, through increasing the performance level. If so far, we focussed especially on the material  side of the organization, neglecting the human relations and…

An Empirical Study of Knowledge Management Processes in Small and Medium Enterprises

Communications of the IBIMA
The competitiveness of small and medium enterprises depends on the quality of knowledge they apply to their business processes. Knowledge management processes are part of the organization business processes. These processes are essential or the precondition for effective knowledge management. Knowledge management processes comprised of knowledge acquisition,…

Overcoming Human Barrier as a Measure towards Improved Knowledge Management

Communications of the IBIMA
Knowledge management involves delivering of information to a person or a set of people, which necessitates two or more people communicating directly face to face, indirectly or in a virtual environment. Human barrier in this paper refers to sexual harassment behaviors that are unwanted and…

Mobinets: Post-Information Society Reality with Wireless/Mobile e-Technologies

Communications of the IBIMA
Because there is no information without communication, there is no society without some form of communication. Thus, information society dominantly relies on communication. This notion asks for general shift from computer technology based information society to universal post-information society based on computerless (invisible computers) communication…

On Distant Education: Cost Issues

Communications of the IBIMA
This paper argues that the cost issue is only part of the story. First, it is a much more complicated matter than a simple accounting estimation. It involves technical choices for example between investment in authoring or expenses on tutoring. It is an important issue…

Simulation Model of International Factoring

Communications of the IBIMA
Most international trading transactions having as an aim the commodity flow, involve the financial flows that close the money-commodity/money cycle. In other words, the manufacturer who spends money amounts in order to manufacture and turn to good account certain products, cashes their equivalent value as…

An Overview of the Web Search Satisfaction

Communications of the IBIMA
Search is one of the most challenging and interesting problems in information retrieval system.  Many studies have been published related to this problem.  To date, web searcher is facing with information overload phenomena.  Information overload is a situation where too much information, therefore user need…