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Fear, Greed and Lack of Trust In Online Financial Trade

Journal of Administrative Sciences and Technology
Trust is a crucial component in business relations, and also a precondition for people’s adoption of electronic services. This study addresses challenges regarding trust in online financial trade. Results indicate that brokerage companies acting in a dishonest way, along with dominant patterns of fear, greed…

An Examination of Information Technologies Changing the Shape of Sport

Communications of the IBIMA
Today’s sport is changing due to various factors external to the sport which impact on the shape of a sport. The focus of this study was to examine changes due to the uses of information technologies. A series of interviews (n=36) was conducted across three…

The Relationship between CDS Market and Public Debt Market

Journal of Financial Studies and Research
Credit default swaps (CDS) are very recent diversified products in global markets whose analysis has attracted the interest of researchers since their appearance and intensified following the subprime crisis in 2008. These products, whose marketing was really fast and easy, have become one of the…

Users’ Activities on Social Media as indicators of Self-Esteem: a Case Study in Oman

Journal of Internet Social Networking and Virtual Communities
Social media have been used as a communication tool worldwide, but recently, with the advancement in technology, it has become a way of reflecting personal life online. It provides incredible tools to create personal accounts that can be easily viewed by others. This may expose…

Integration of Quality Management System In the Malaysian Construction Industry

Journal of Organizational Management Studies
Quality management system (QMS) is defined as the managing structure, responsibilities, procedures, processes, and management resources to implement the principles and action lines needed to achieve the quality objectives of an organization. QMS is conventionally being associated with the manufacturing industry as it is used…

Discursive Differences between Users Who Adopt or Not a New IT System: Analyzing the Case of a Group of Lecturers

Journal of e-Learning and Higher Education
When adopting a new IT system, users share each other’s information on both the system and the process. Research on IT adoption knows very little about the content and the way in which users communicate with each other during those adoption processes. To address this…

Exploring the Role of Culture in Determining Boycotting Behaviour after a Negative Word of Mouth

Journal of Marketing Research and Case Studies
As word of mouth (WOM) is a spontaneous, non-commercial form of communication, consumers believe that messages sent by others are more reliable than corporate messages, making WOM significant in the consumer’s decision-making process. Internet has introduced a new type of WOM by enabling people who…

Bankers’ Perceptions of Successful SMEs Loan Applications: A Case Study from Libya

The MENA Journal of Business Case Studies
This paper investigates the criteria used by loan officers at Bank Al Tanmeya when assessing SMEs loan applications and the most frequent reasons that lead to turn these applications down. To achieve this, a qualitative research method was adopted. The data were gathered using semi-structured…

Evaluating Social Media Utilization on the Implementation of E- Government Goals in Tanzania

Journal of African Research in Business & Technology
Social media provide a platform that can be used by the government to communicate with its citizens. Most governments worldwide are taking advantages of the increased number of citizens who are using social media to provide required public services and information. The utilization of social…

Policies and Protections for Ageing Society in Malaysia

Journal of Southeast Asian Research
The 4th Malaysian Population and Family Study by the National Population and Family Development Board (1), which was matched with the result of the population and housing census in 2010, found that about 23%, or 538,000 of the 2.4 million senior citizens in Malaysia suffered…