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Communication Power as a Mediator on Networking and Career Success: A Structural Equation Modeling Approach

Communications of the IBIMA
This study investigates the mediating effect of communication power on networking and career success. It also tests the moderating effects of proactive personality and self-efficacy in the model. The study employs a quantitative research design. It uses a survey method using questionnaire for data collection.The…

Performance Measurement for Knowledge Management: Designing a Reference Model

Journal of Organizational Knowledge Management
Knowledge Management (KM) projects are socio-technical systems that enable knowledge activities and ensure that the right knowledge gets to the right person at the right time. The crucial role of KM in achieving companies’ organizational objectives generates a great interest in KM projects and an…

Knowledge Transfer in Cross-Border Merger and Acquisition

Journal of Organizational Knowledge Management
This research is conducted to provide a holistic research framework that incorporates key socio-cultural factors affecting knowledge transfer in cross-border M&A. This research will provide empirical   suggestion to domestic companies to improve the current management of cultural differences that may be the main reason for…

An Innovative Solution Based on Virtual Reality to Treat Phobia

International Journal of Interactive worlds
The current paper conducts research on the existing methods for treating phobias, focusing on virtual reality as an innovative treatment method. After conducting a survey of the current applications using this type of treatment, we have developed our own software, Anti-PHOBIES, which proposes new ideas…

An Illustrative Case Study of the Integration of Enterprise Resource Planning System

Journal of Enterprise Resource Planning Studies
Currently we are witnessing a phenomenon where the development and changes in enterprise environment are occurring very quickly. The paper responds to this phenomenon and it is focused on the area of ​​integration and implementation of Enterprise Resource Planning systems in the multinational enterprise. Firstly…

The Impact of Corporate Characteristics on Social and Environmental Disclosure (CSED): The Case of Jordan

Journal of Accounting and Auditing: Research & Practice
The corporate business environment is surrounded by strong public scrutiny from diverse stakeholder groups that are calling on businesses to accept accountability for not only their financial actions, but also the non-financial implications of their activities. Many corporate businesses are today paying attention to the…

SMES Are Embracing Innovation for Business Performance

Journal of Innovation Management in Small and Medium Enterprises
SMEs are embracing innovation in enhancing their business competitiveness. Innovation which is vital for a firm competitiveness is embedded in the organizational structures, processes, products and services within a firm. This empirical study has investigated the relationships between the products, process, marketing and organizational innovations…

Promoting Children’s Social Wellbeing through Therapeutic Landscape Quality in Public Library

Journal of Southeast Asian Research
Reading has been essential for personal growth, whereby an information-equipped individual will greatly contribute to his nation’s well-being.  Realizing this fact, bibliotherapy and therapeutic landscapes elements have started being emphasized in public and school libraries, while rehabilitation centers work hand-in-hand with libraries and counselors to…

The Role of Cloud Computing in the Development of Information Systems for SMEs

Journal of Cloud Computing
This paper presents a review of the main characteristics of cloud computing, where they are exposed, their main components and ways of use. In addition to the technological review that is done, is also carried out. To understand how cloud computing can lead to a…

The Ethics of Students’ Behavior: Between Intentions, Judgment and Action

Journal of Marketing Research and Case Studies
Consumption behavior – not long ago a neglected and marginalized domain –has shifted its focus towards exploring questionable ethical behaviors. While in the past consumers were questioned especially with regard to their opinions as to business ethics, today they are questioned as to the ethics…