Latest Communications of International Proceedings articles


Migration – After A Year of Covid-19

Economic Impact of COVID-19 Pandemic on Countries Around the World: COVID38ECO 2021
This article analyzes migration, starting from the impact of public policies generated by the pandemic COVID19. The purpose of the approach is to outline the dynamics of migration that we can expect as a result of the effects of the pandemic, as well as to…

COVID-19 And Declines in The Number of Passengers Transported by Air in Europe

Impact of COVID-19 Pandemic on Organizational Management: COVID38MGT 2021
In this study the research was related to the declines in the number of passengers transported by air in 29 European countries under consideration in 2020. The research is based on secondary data taken from the Eurostat website. The research used the Holt-Winters method to…

Transformations Of the Chinese Tourism Sector During the Coronavirus Pandemic

Economic Impact of COVID-19 Pandemic on Countries Around the World: COVID38ECO 2021
Before the outbreak of the epidemic crisis (COVID-19), tourism in China was high and flourishing. Tourism in China has always brought a lot of income to the economy of their state. During the coronavirus epidemic, the tourism business in China was very badly affected and,…

Determinants That Facilitate or Condition Students’ Perceived Effectiveness and Skills Improvement in A Remote Learning Context

Impact of COVID-19 Pandemic on Education and e-learning: COVID38EDU 2021
Digital technologies have grown in importance in education over time and have become even more relevant with the epidemiological context established by the COVID-19 pandemic, necessitating unexpected and profound changes in work organization. These changes, in educational institutions, have resulted in the widespread use of remote…

Domains Affected And Bookkeeping Records Incurred Due To Covid-19 Pandemic

Economic Impact of COVID-19 Pandemic on Countries Around the World: COVID38ECO 2021
The COVID-19 pandemic represents the greatest crisis of all as it not involves the lack of the financial resources, but the lack of the ability to protect the health of the human resource. Uncertainty has reached its highest level of all previous crises as            COVID-19…

Impact Of COVID-19 On Profitability of Banking Sectors In CEE

Economic Impact of COVID-19 Pandemic on Countries Around the World: COVID38ECO 2021
The aim of the paper is to identify the CEE banking sectors with the lowest and the highest resilience to pandemic crisis. Resilience was examined using the PLR measure that reflects the scale of the loss of profitability of respective banking sectors between the end…

Digitization of Student Experience During The SARS-Cov-2 Pandemic: The Polish Perspective

Impact of COVID-19 Pandemic on Education and e-learning: COVID38EDU 2021
Digitalism and technology undoubtedly influence the present day. There are more and more catchwords Economy 5.0 and Society 5.0 identified with bits. The fate of organizations and ordinary citizens is shaped by the forces and achievements of science, knowledge and technology. Smartphone, computer and Internet…

Economic Changes in Poland during the Time of Covid-19

Economic Impact of COVID-19 Pandemic on Countries Around the World: COVID38ECO 2021
The world has faced a challenge of unprecedented scale and intensity. Today, the threat and the consequences of the Covid-19 pandemic are the most significant economic, political and social challenges. According to the reports of the Federation of Polish Entrepreneurs, the service sector suffered the…

Research On the Motivation of Rural Tourism Based on Grounded Theory in The Post-Covid-19 Era

Economic Impact of COVID-19 Pandemic on Countries Around the World: COVID38ECO 2021
At the beginning of 2020, the Covid-19 pandemic swept the world, infecting tens of millions of people and putting many countries under a state of emergency. As a fragile and sensitive industry, the tourism industry has suffered a major impact during the pandemic and was…

The Particular Reasons of the Impact of Covid-19 on Unemployment Level: The Case of European Union

Economic Impact of COVID-19 Pandemic on Countries Around the World: COVID38ECO 2021
The purpose of this article is to investigate the impact of Covid-19 on unemployment level in different EU countries and to determine the particular reasons of the impact of the pandemic on unemployment level. In the article, firstly the impact of Covid-19 on total unemployment…
