Latest Communications of International Proceedings articles


Students’ performance at the Baccalaureate Exam during the COVID-19 pandemic – Evidence from Romania

Impact of COVID-19 Pandemic on Education and e-learning: COVID40EDU 2022
Countries face a major challenge in terms of learning inequalities and Romania makes no exception. Performing well at Baccalaureate exam is a very important topic for all students as this places at risk the number occupied university places and adds extra burden on the parent…

Infrastructure of Secondary Schools in The Context of Using New Technologies in Education

Impact of COVID-19 Pandemic on Education and e-learning: COVID40EDU 2022
The paper concerns the assessment of the infrastructure of secondary schools in the context of distance learning and students' attitude to undertaking remote work in the future. The aim of the paper is to discuss the results of empirical research conducted among secondary school students…

The Structure of Consumption Expenditure And Economic Activity in The Wielkopolska Region

Research in Sustainability and World Economies: 40ECO 2022
The article deals with the analysis of consumption expenditure and its impact on economic activity in Poland. Consumer behavior in the marketplace is an integral part of any economy. The level, dynamics of development and the structure of consumption expenditures are conditioned by many factors…

Return on Investment in Alternative Markets: The Case of The Polish Rare Book Market

Research in Sustainability and World Economies: 40ECO 2022
In the presented article, the authors pose the question - how profitable it is to invest in the rare book market? The study was conducted on the Polish market. Polish-language old biblical books published in the years 1561-1839 were established as the research group. The…

Distance Learning Perspectives in The Post-Covid Reality: A Survey Study at a Polish University

Innovations and Technology-Driven Transformations in Higher Education: 40EDU 2022
The starting point to undertake the research problem was the need to sum up the lessons learned during COVID-19 pandemic, to systematize didactic tools applied in student remote education during this breakthrough and to explore the possibilities of incorporating these tools in the post-covid reality.…

Transformation of Banking Industry by Information Technology (IT)

Research in Information Technology - Transformations and Challenges Across Industries: 40ISM 2022
Information technology's influence on all elements of human existence and business is so obvious that it doesn't need to be stated. Information technology's relevance in the banking business cannot be emphasized. Information technologies (ITs) have grown in the banking industry over the past few years. The…

Business Process Management – The Perspective of Polish Banks and Insurance Companies

Research in Business Innovation, Management, and Performance: 40MGT 2022
Today's economy is undergoing a dynamic process of change that is making the service sector, the so-called servitization, dominant (Kowalkowski et al., 2017, p. 4-10). In highly developed countries, 70% of gross national income comes from the service sector (Piątkowska (ed.), 2015, p. 203). In…

Impact of Engagement in The Local Community on Consumer Satisfaction and Preferences: The Case of Two Neighborhood Shopping Centers in Saint-Petersburg, Russia

Research in Consumer Behavior and Marketing Strategies - Global Perspectives: 40MKT 2022
The paper presents the results of empirical study devoted to the impact of engagement in the local community of a neighborhood shopping center on consumer satisfaction with the tenant mix and its preference over different categories of competitors (other neighborhood shopping centers, non-neighborhood shopping centers,…

The Adequacy of Financial Reports and The Need For Additional Reporting In The Public Sector – The Perspective of Accountants in Croatia

Research in Financial Markets, Regulation, and Corporate Finance in a Changing Landscape: 40FIN 2022
Financial reporting of public sector entities has been in in a constant process of reform due to the growing and changing requirements of information users. Therefore, this paper investigates the perception of accountants about adequacy of financial reporting system of public sector entities in Croatia…

Creating And Promoting a Regional Tourist Product – How to Build a Competitive Advantage? An Example of The Kashubia Region in Poland

Research in Consumer Behavior and Marketing Strategies - Global Perspectives: 40MKT 2022
Tourism products shape the interaction between the tourist and the provider who functions in a specific cultural environment. The tourism products of Kashubia can be considered a classic example of the above-mentioned relations: based on the wealth of natural and anthropogenic values, they stimulate tourists…
