Latest Communications of International Proceedings articles


Impact of the Type of Business Activity on The Strategy of Working Capital Management

Research in Business Innovation, Management, and Performance: 40MGT 2022
Most often, the  objectives of an enterprise's activity are defined in two dimensions: short-term (maintaining financial liquidity) and long-term (maximizing market value).  The working capital and  the strategy adopted to a large extent affects the overall financial management of the company.  Adequate working capital management…

Sources of Funding for Socially Useful Projects Managed by Non-governmental Organization in Poland

Research in Business Innovation, Management, and Performance: 40MGT 2022
In Poland and worldwide there is a growing importance of non-governmental organisations, which by their very nature carry out socially useful tasks. The main purpose of the existence of such organisations is the implementation of projects perceived as socially useful. These entities are not obliged…

Future Directions of SROI in Indonesia

Research in Business Innovation, Management, and Performance: 40MGT 2022
Social return on investment (SROI) has received increasing attention dari from the Indonesian government , it was included as a new criterion for the Company Performance Rating Program in Environmental Management (PROPER) from the Indonesian Ministry of Environment and Forestry in 2021. Based on a…

System Dynamic Modelling of Construction Cycle

Research in Business Innovation, Management, and Performance: 40MGT 2022
It is necessary to develop a system model, to provide a vision of the complete construction cycle, which would be able to improve the efficiency of project management. As the overall demand in the construction industry increases, the intensity and degree of complexity of projects…

Conceptualizing The Relation Between Turnover Intention and Quality of Work Life: An Empirical Investigation in Morocco

Research in Business Innovation, Management, and Performance: 40MGT 2022
The objective of this study is to identify the quality of work life variables that affect employee turnover intention in Morocco. A literature review of papers studying the relationship between QWL and IT is conducted to model this relationship. The conceptual model is then empirically…

Risk Assessment and Analysis for A Task in The Context of The Work Process

Research in Business Innovation, Management, and Performance: 40MGT 2022
The article presents a risk assessment and analysis for a task in the context of the work process at the work position of a glass quality control operator. The main tasks that are performed by the employee during the work process were defined, then the…

Platform Business Models: Network Effects and Value Creation Logic

Research in Business Innovation, Management, and Performance: 40MGT 2022
One of the phenomena of the coming digital revolution is digital platforms embedded in companies' activities and completely changing the entire business. The paper shows that platform business models are more efficient than traditional business methods. It has been convincingly argued that platform solutions are…

Logistics Customer Service in The E-Commerce Market in Poland

Trends in Digital Marketing and Consumer Behavior: 40eMKT 2022
Electronic commerce (e-commerce) has changed the process of buying, selling and exchanging products, services or information via computer networks. The aim of the study was to analyse the e-commerce market together with the customer service process. The research methods used a literature analysis and an…

Defining Teamwork Process and Skills for The Challenges Of The Future Workplace

Research in Contemporary HR Strategies and Workplace Dynamics: 40HR 2022
By now it has been recognized that the formal higher education needs to change to meet the needs of future job requirements and the changing workplace dynamics. New technologies reshape the way we work, and it is crucial to equip students with skills that will…

Organisational Communication from the Bi-dimensional Perspective Management-Leadership: Defining Aspects, Confluences, and Peculiarities

Research in Business Innovation, Management, and Performance: 40MGT 2022
This article analyses, from a theoretical perspective, the relevant aspects through which leadership can be differentiated from management, in an attempt to stress the importance of these differences. Starting from the purpose of the organisation, the way in which employees relate to the institutional entity…
