Latest Communications of International Proceedings articles


Video Gaming in Croatia: Empirical Research

Research in Sustainability and World Economies: 40ECO 2022
In the recent decade the video game industry has grown to be the biggest area of popular entertainment, which, starting from releasing very simple games with bad graphics, quickly evolved into interactive animations which one could call art. Considering the visual excitement one can get…

Barriers to Business Value Management in Small and Medium Entities

Research in Business Innovation, Management, and Performance: 40MGT 2022
The micro, small and medium-sized enterprises sector is a dominant group of actors in the European economy. In the Member States of the European Union, almost 2.6 million entrepreneurs are engaged in economic activity. Small and medium-sized enterprises account for 99.8% of the total non-financial…

Romanian Accounting Students’ Perceptions of Online Learning during Pandemic Period

Impact of COVID-19 Pandemic on Education and e-learning: COVID40EDU 2022
Due to the COVID-19 pandemic, the online learning process has become prevalent in Romanian universities. In this regard, it is extremely important to understand students` perspectives, experiences, and preferences in the distance learning process. We surveyed the largest public university in Romania. As such, randomly…

Multiple Faces of Posted Workers Process: A Survey Carried out on Firms, from Romania, that Posted Workers

Research in Sustainability and World Economies: 40ECO 2022
The main objective of the research carried out was to study the perception of economic entities, in the field of construction and transport, about the impact of accounting and taxation over the process of posting workers, as well as measuring the degree to which they…

Models of Cooperation in the Field of Sports Within the Framework of the “One Belt, one Way” Project

Research in Sustainability and World Economies: 40ECO 2022
The purpose of writing a scientific article is to consider the project "one belt, one road" as a new opportunity for the global development of sports in Russia and China. In the process of implementing the presented goal, it is necessary to: - consider the…

Threats of Business Environment Performance in Austria and Slovakia

Research in Business Innovation, Management, and Performance: 40MGT 2022
Quality of the business environment is a key factor for increasing the performance of businesses in a country. The size of the domestic economy is determined by two basic indicators: by the number of inhabitants, or the size of the labour force and the total…

The Parent Company’s Influence on the Subsidiary’s Generic Strategy

Research in Business Innovation, Management, and Performance: 40MGT 2022
The business group is a specific type of an economic entity, because subsidiaries must achieve goals, which are a consequence of their role in the group and their supervisory board (board of directors), in addition to obligations under the law, may engage to the management…

Competitiveness Factors of Enterprises: A Survey Research in Peripheral Regions, Poland

Research in Sustainability and World Economies: 40ECO 2022
The aim of the research was to identify the most important factors of competitiveness of enterprises in peripheral regions of north-eastern Poland (in the poviats: Bartoszyce, Braniewo, Ketrzyn and Lidzbark Warminski). The void in literature makes this study important. The author's own research was carried…

Disruptive Potentials of Digitalization on Business Models: Drivers, Challenges and Opportunities for Small and Medium-Sized Enterprises in The Service Sector in Rural Areas

Research in Business Innovation, Management, and Performance: 40MGT 2022
Small and medium sized enterprises (SMEs) occupy a special position within the German economy and the global trend towards digitization increasingly affects the business models of these companies. The successful transformation of analog business models requires a large number of resources that allow companies to…

Rare Earth Elements as A Huge Economic Challenge For The Future of Green Economy

Research in Sustainability and World Economies: 40ECO 2022
This paper explores the importance of rare earth elements (REEs) as a huge economic challenge in the aspect of green economy. REEs are the key drivers of the industry 4.0, because they are a critical component in many high-technology goods. They are also a crucial…