Latest Communications of International Proceedings articles


COFOG Government Expenditure in The Visegrad Countries – What Is Matter?

Research in Sustainability and World Economies: 40ECO 2022
The paper is focused on development of government expenditure, changes in its structure in the Visegrad countries.         The aim is to research the relationship between government expenditure and economic growth and a direction of influence between variables in individual Visegrad countries in the period 2000-2020.…

Improved Word Representation for Arabic Sentiment Analyzing

Methods and Applications in Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning: 40AI 2022
 In this article, we investigate a variety of documents to vector representation algorithms that may be used for text categorization and sentiment analysis. The document to vector representation technique known as doc2vec was the very first contender for such a job that we examined. This…

Facing Workplace Adversities With Enhanced Level Of Resilience With Mindfulness Practice As Intervention – The Study On Generation Y Employees

Research in Contemporary HR Strategies and Workplace Dynamics: 40HR 2022
  Purpose: This conceptual paper explores the relationship between psychological well-being and resilience using mindfulness as the mediating variable. This paper shows that with mindfulness intervention, Generation Y employees can enhance their level of resilience to face and overcome challenges in their workplace. Design/methodology/approach: The…

Eco-Innovations in The Context of Creating More Sustainable Economies

Research in Sustainability and World Economies: 40ECO 2022
The paper discusses the importance of eco-innovations for sustainable development and the creation of a more competitive economy. This paper aims to show the state and trends related to eco-innovations in Croatia compared to average data for the European Union, and thus pave the way…

The Use of Herzberg’s Two-Factor Analysis To Formulate An Employee Incentive Program on The Example of A State Administration Office In Poland

Research in Contemporary HR Strategies and Workplace Dynamics: 40HR 2022
What is important for the organization is a person who reliably performs his duties, is conscientious, effective in action and brings benefits to the organization. An employee who performs his duties well should be competent, committed and motivated. There are many studies and classifications of…

Comparison of Complex Mathematical Notation and Applications for Searching and Plagiarism Detection

Methods and Applications in Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning: 40AI 2022
We present the design and implementation of an end-to-end search engine for mathematical formulae. The input can be provided in a convenient form of natural language expression or a visual query. It is then processed using the defined presentation and transcription schemes of mathematical notation,…

Determination of Sustainable Behavior of Higher Education Students from a Gender Perspective Based on Household Electricity Consumption

Research in Sustainability and World Economies: 40ECO 2022
The purpose of this research was to determine the sustainable behavior of higher education students, from a gender perspective based on electricity consumption in homes. An online survey was conducted with 309 university students. The results indicated that the students show favorability towards saving electricity.…

Constructing A Composite Indicator for Measuring the Socio-Economic Development of a Country, Using PCA And Machine Learning Classification Models

Methods and Applications in Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning: 40AI 2022
In recent times, composite indicators have become crucial for evaluating the level of progress and development of a country, a process encouraged by the European Union’s constant changes in legislation and initiatives. This paper aims to propose a model that evaluates 5 dominant axes of…

Innovative Human Resource Management in Public Authorities as a Way to Improve the Country’s Sustainable Development

Research in Contemporary HR Strategies and Workplace Dynamics: 40HR 2022
The improvement of the country’s sustainable development requires the application of an innovative approach to human resource management in public authorities. This approach should include the distribution of powers between the head of the public authority, heads of its structural units and their subordinates in…

Small Saving Schemes and Its Importance

Research in Sustainability and World Economies: 40ECO 2022
Public Provident Fund, Senior Citizens Savings Scheme, Post Office Recurring Deposit, and Sukanya Samriddhi Scheme are some of the government's investment vehicles for persons who wish to deposit little amounts over time as they earn. Small savings schemes are what they're called. Small Savings Schemes…