Latest Communications of International Proceedings articles


Influence of the Internal Marketing Communication On The Work Performance

Trends and Strategies in Marketing and Consumer Behavior: 39MKT 2022
Nowadays, companies realize the importance of satisfied and informed employees. If the employee feels like a part of the company and his requirements are met, the result is a low level of fluctuation. This can be reached through internal marketing communication. Internal marketing communication is…

The Impact of Public Debt on Economic Growth In European Union Countries

Contemporary Economic and Financial Issues - A Multifaceted Analysis: 39ECO 2022
The paper analyzes the paradoxical character that defines the relation between the sharp rise in the level of the public debt in the last decades in antithesis with the growth and, implicitly, the economic development of the member states of the European Union. The aim…

Financial Literacy and Financial Capability – What Is What?

Contemporary Economic and Financial Issues - A Multifaceted Analysis: 39ECO 2022
This s review plays a vital role in providing a critical summary and the overview of what is and what is not know in the field related to the terminology of financial literacy and capabiltiy. Even though the research and practice of financial literacy has…

A Short Analyses of Romanian Consumers Expenditure Behaviour During The COVID-19 Period

Trends and Strategies in Marketing and Consumer Behavior: 39MKT 2022
The pandemic period was nevertheless one of the years when consumers behaviour was affected. We are aware of the fact that despite the period of Spanish Flu or black death, due to modern times and advanced medicine people shouldn’t have been more affected than previous…

Marketplaces: The Post-Purchase Stage of The E-Commerce Consumer Concerning Satisfaction and Its Impact on The Intention to Repurchase

Digital Marketing and Consumer Engagement in the Age of E-commerce and Social Media: 39eMKT 2022
Electronic commerce has become a necessary tool for companies to cover new segments, in addition to creating new organizations dedicated only to this type of commerce, reducing costs and generating a higher profit margin. Marketplaces are web showcases that exhibit different products from different areas.…

An Empirical Study on Awareness and Factors Influencing Consumer Purchase Behaviour Towards Non- Prescription Drugs with Reference to Visakhapatnam District, Andhra Pradesh State, India

Trends and Strategies in Marketing and Consumer Behavior: 39MKT 2022
You are your own doctor “is the central theme of non-prescription drugs. As the pandemic broke down havoc all over the world, people started taking care of themselves with health and medication becoming the topmost priority for the world. Taking non-prescription drugs over a long…

Embedding Sustainability and Responsibility into the Marketing Curriculum

Trends and Strategies in Marketing and Consumer Behavior: 39MKT 2022
Sustainable development continues to become a critical concept for human development and the facilitation of responsibility towards ecosystems while advocating for proper utilization of natural resources and protection of nature. Sustainability and responsibility are essential for social, environmental, and economic development as they create a…

Internal Marketing in Car Transport Companies: An Empirical Study

Trends and Strategies in Marketing and Consumer Behavior: 39MKT 2022
The article aims to present the possibilities and scope of the use of online tools in the communication of transport companies with employees working as drivers. Such activities fit into the concept of marketing 4.0, according to which in the era of digital marketing shaped…

What Drives Perceived Value and Loyalty in Live Broadcasting

Trends and Strategies in Marketing and Consumer Behavior: 39MKT 2022
The purpose of the present study is to analyze consumers’ loyalty to the brand and the broadcast owner in live broadcast e-commerce and to determine whether the brand in live broadcast e-commerce has enough influence to analyze whether live broadcast sales bring long-term value or…

The Descriptive Analysis of the New Norms of Holistic Consumer Apprentice Program Evaluation

Trends and Strategies in Marketing and Consumer Behavior: 39MKT 2022
The Covid-19 pandemic and Revolution Industry 4.0 have dramatically contributed to the transformation of the purchasing landscape from conventional to online activities. This may have negative impacts such as an increase of online scammer and fraud. Indirectly it shows that the empowerment level of Malaysian…