Latest Communications of International Proceedings articles


Multidimensional Analysis of Human Deaths in Europe During The COVID-19 Pandemic in Terms of Economic Security

Economic Impact of COVID-19 Pandemic on Countries Around the World: COVID38ECO 2021
The article presents a multidimensional data analysis on the number of human deaths in 30 analyzed European countries. The analyzed data was grouped. Then, they were compiled in identical periods in dynamic terms. For data analysis, indices such as arithmetic means, medians and standard deviations…

Assessment of the Budget Balance and Public Expenditure in The European Union Countries Against the Background of The Macroeconomic Situation in The Face of The Coronavirus Crisis

Economic Impact of COVID-19 Pandemic on Countries Around the World: COVID38ECO 2021
The basic aim of this study is to assess the selected aspects of the fiscal situation of EU countries, including budget balances and expenditures against the background of their macroeconomic condition in view of the coronavirus epidemic. An attempt is also made to answer the…

Individual Moral Ideologies and Dyadic Ethical Leadership Research

Effective Leadership - Challenges, Opportunities, and Cultural Perspectives: 38LEAD 2021
Individual morality is the essence of business, organizational and managerial ethics research. The purpose of this paper is to point out the significance and potential of individual moral ideologies for ethical leadership research. Hence, the aim of this paper is to identify theoretical and empirical…

Barriers And Stimulators of Effective Leadership

Effective Leadership - Challenges, Opportunities, and Cultural Perspectives: 38LEAD 2021
Efficiency, as an attribute of human action, has been the subject of interest in management theory and practice for centuries. In the literature there are comparisons of this tendency to the "terror of efficiency" Boj (2014) mentioned. This is due, inter alia, to the capacity…

Application of Leadership Vigilance For The Development of Key Competences

Effective Leadership - Challenges, Opportunities, and Cultural Perspectives: 38LEAD 2021
Today brings many changes and challenges, but also new information and opportunities. The global political situation, and therefore the military situation, appears to be highly turbulent. The effects of this situation will require greater sensitivity and flexibility in the decision-making processes and Leadership of organizations,…

Public Companies’ Cash and Accrual Rates of Return in Selected European Countries During the Coronavirus Pandemic

Economic Impact of COVID-19 Pandemic on Countries Around the World: COVID38ECO 2021
The paper presents the issue of profitability of public listed companies from selected European countries during the coronavirus pandemic relative to their profitability in previous years. The analysis focuses on financial data disclosed by entities listed on the stock exchanges in Poland, Germany, France, Great…

The Impact of Covid-19 On Higher Education in Poland – Study Based on Polytomous Item Response Analysis

Impact of COVID-19 Pandemic on Education and e-learning: COVID38EDU 2021
The outbreak of the coronavirus has become a major disruption to colleges and universities all over the world, with most institutions canceling in-person classes and moving to online-only instruction. The pandemic also threatens to significantly alter nearly every aspect of college life, from admissions and…

Tips And Tricks Teachers Can Learn from Twitch Streamers to Improve the Online Live Lesson Experience

Impact of COVID-19 Pandemic on Education and e-learning: COVID38EDU 2021
The COVID-19 pandemic took everyone by surprise, and the educational system was not an exception. Analyzing the problems distance learning faced it was clear that some changes were needed. This paper proposed the identification of methods that work for streamers in keeping online viewers engaged…

Educational Innovation as A Solution to Educational Problems In The COVID-19 Era

Impact of COVID-19 Pandemic on Education and e-learning: COVID38EDU 2021
The threat and consequences of the COVID-19 epidemic is the most significant economic, political, and social challenge today. Education is one of the areas of society that has been most severely affected by the COVID-19 pandemic. Implementing innovative solutions, tools, and staff training is a…

The Role of Emotional Intelligence in Employees Psychological Distress During COVID-19 Pandemic

Impact of COVID-19 Pandemic on Organizational Management: COVID38MGT 2021
This study focuses on the influence of emotional intelligence domains on the depression, anxiety, and stress scales during the COVID-19 pandemic scenario. The specific purpose of this study was to test the effect of four emotional intelligence domains comprising the emotional intelligence of COVID-19 challenge…
