Latest Communications of International Proceedings articles


Wine Tourism – Premises of Development in The Republic of Moldova

Tourism and Hospitality Trends - Sustainability, Customer Experience, and Innovation: 40Tourism 2022
As wine-producing country, Moldovan winemakers have realized that in addition to profiting from their core business, they can also attract significant financial resources from wine tourism. Wine tourism in the Republic of Moldova, although a relatively new sector of the economy, can be assessed as…

The Use of Guide Services By Young People In The Era of The Development of Modern Technologies In The Opinion of Young People From High Schools In The Tri-City Agglomeration (Gdańsk, Sopot, Gdynia)

Digital Transformation and Technology Adoption - Trends and Challenges Across Industries: 39ISM 2022
In connection with the development of modern information and communication technologies, the question arises of the importance of the services of a traditional tourist guide today. The internet is available to the public and it is possible to use laptops, smartphones and tablets. More and…

Information System, Factors of Success And Impact on Performance Case of The Moroccan Public University

Digital Transformation and Technology Adoption - Trends and Challenges Across Industries: 39ISM 2022
 Faced with unforeseen events and the complexity of systems and logics of action, the HR professional must know how to take initiatives and decisions” According to G. Le Boterf (2000), it is about “knowing what to do and when”. The increased complexity of the environment…

Models of Tourism Destination Competitiveness

Tourism and Hospitality Trends - Sustainability, Customer Experience, and Innovation: 40Tourism 2022
 The development of different models of tourism destination competitiveness by the specialists in the field represents a very useful tool for identifying and obtaining competitive advantages that will ensure the sustainability of the tourism activities at the level of each destination. The purpose of this…

Exploring Motivators for Students in the Pursuit of Further Studies and Career Development

Innovations and Technology-Driven Transformations in Higher Education: 40EDU 2022
Students’ motivation to pursue career development captured educators’ attention in recent decades.  In spite of the wide discussion on students’ motivation, more studies are needed to further explore factors that motivate students with different academic background for pursuing further studies and career development.   Besides, the…

The Impact of Aligning Learning Processes with Technological Developments – The Emergence of The Concept of Education 4.0

Innovations and Technology-Driven Transformations in Higher Education: 40EDU 2022
Over 50% of the current workforce will need retraining by 2025. However, the ability to adapt to change and engage in lifelong learning must be developed early. Studies show that early investment in children's learning and Education generates significant economic benefits. As a result, tackling…

Managing Stress During the Coronavirus Among Students from Technical Specialization: A Case Study of Several Universities in Romania

Innovations and Technology-Driven Transformations in Higher Education: 40EDU 2022
COVID-19 pandemic affected everyone around the globe. Countries worldwide implemented strict precautions on education systems and many students experience stress related to changes in lifestyle and online classes.  As we know, the COVID-19 pandemic affects the society emotionally, psychologically and socially, not just medically. This…

Remote Work Preferences and Experiences with Distance Learning – Empirical Research

Innovations and Technology-Driven Transformations in Higher Education: 40EDU 2022
Working remotely is a very important topic, especially after the Covid-19 pandemic, where most industries have had the opportunity to experience it. The main purpose of this paper is to present the advantages and disadvantages of remote work. It also presents the results of empirical…

Assessing Romanian Students’ Digital Skills Based on The Scores at The Baccalaureate Exam

Innovations and Technology-Driven Transformations in Higher Education: 40EDU 2022
Digital skills are not only a major priority but they may become mandatory for an increasing list of jobs in the modern economy facing an increase in automation and extensive inclusion of industrial robotization. Although the IT sector is structurally important in Romania, there is…

Digital Open Government and Transparency in Nigeria: The Constraints and Prospects

Digital Transformation and Technology Adoption - Trends and Challenges Across Industries: 39ISM 2022
Openness and transparency are part of the key pillars of democracy. The emergence of digital technologies has fundamentally enhanced open government and transparency, thus making it easier for citizens to access government information. Digital open government provides an opportunity for states to modernize and transform…