Latest Communications of International Proceedings articles


Effects Of Pandemic and War on Youth Migration: A Quantitative Study in Poland and Portugal

Socioeconomic Challenges and Transformations in a Global Context: 42ECO 2023
The article is a continuation of original international research conducted in 2017 and 2020 among young people, management students in Poland and Portugal. Both countries are characterized by mass emigration among young, educated people. The most important reasons for leaving the country are economic reasons.…

The Choice of Unemployment Indicators for Assessing Internal Equilibrium and Fiscal and Monetary Regulation: The Example of Eastern European Countries

Socioeconomic Challenges and Transformations in a Global Context: 42ECO 2023
The possibilities of monetary and fiscal regulation are actively used today to create conditions for establishing the desired macroeconomic proportions or macroeconomic equilibrium. To obtain feedback on the effectiveness of monetary and fiscal interaction, as well as on deviations in the macroeconomic environment, it would…

Analysis Of the Economic Functioning of Public Transport in Krakow

Socioeconomic Challenges and Transformations in a Global Context: 42ECO 2023
The aim of this work is to analyze the functioning of public transport in the economic aspect, which will be carried out on the example of the city of Krakow. At the beginning of the work, public transport was described as the basis for sustainable…

Exploring the Dynamics between Gold and Crude Oil: An Empirical Study of Their Interrelationship on the Commodity Market

Socioeconomic Challenges and Transformations in a Global Context: 42ECO 2023
Gold and crude oil are classified as raw materials. The shaping of their prices results, on the one hand, from their use in the economy, and, on the other, from the investment demand for these assets. The purpose of this article is to indicate the…

New Trends In Product Packaging: Carbon Footprint of The Selected Type of Plastic And Composite Packaging

Socioeconomic Challenges and Transformations in a Global Context: 42ECO 2023
of the composite packaging is 0.118 kg CO2 eq compared to 0.169 kg CO2 eq for the plastic packaging. Both sets of results demonstrate that the composite packaging generates approximately 30% less greenhouse gas emissions than the plastic packaging. In the context of the growing…

Green Transformation of Individual Transport – Current State of Electromobility – Case Study in Poland

Socioeconomic Challenges and Transformations in a Global Context: 42ECO 2023
The available literature on the subject emphasizes that green transport based on the idea of electromobility is an inevitable process. The Electromobility Development Program is to become one of the pillars of the Plan for responsible economic development of each country. Its effect is to…

The Financial Implications of Tobacco Pricing in the European Union Countries

Socioeconomic Challenges and Transformations in a Global Context: 42ECO 2023
This study examines the fiscal implications of tobacco taxation in European Union (EU) nations, focusing on its impact on budgetary revenue. Utilizing official reports from the European Commission and the World Health Organization (WHO), the empirical analysis reveals that higher excise taxes on tobacco significantly…

Influence of The ‘Polish Deal’ Tax Reform On The Taxation of Sole Proprietorships – A Case Study

Socioeconomic Challenges and Transformations in a Global Context: 42ECO 2023
The aim of the article is to analyze changes in the scope of personal income tax introduced by the "Polish Deal" tax reform and assess the impact of these changes on the tax burden of sole proprietorships using the example of a selected company. The…

PTSD And the Labour Market: Special Problems of Cooperation Between Employers and Employees Suffering from PTSD And Possible Ways of Minimising Risks and Friction in Professional Relations in This Field on The Example of Victims of The Russian-Ukrainian War

Socioeconomic Challenges and Transformations in a Global Context: 42ECO 2023
The intention of this study is to study the difficulties and special requirements faced by employees suffering from PTSD or who have increased chances of developing this syndrome, as well as to determine the difficulties faced by employers of such employees. Also, the aim is…

Capital Capacity of The Logistics Industry For Investments Involving The Construction of Logistics Centres

Socioeconomic Challenges and Transformations in a Global Context: 42ECO 2023
In the economy there is a tendency to concentrate, a similar situation also occurs in the logistics sector, where there are more and more logistics centers. The role of logistics centers is to create additional value in the flow of goods, alleviating or eliminating the…