Latest Communications of International Proceedings articles


Assessment of The Macroeconomic Situation in The Countries of North Africa And the Prospects for The Region’s Interaction with The Russian Federation

Economic Perspectives - Challenges, Strategies, and Policy Implications: 37ECO 2021
Today Africa is the world leader in terms of consumption growth. Agriculture, chemical industry and agro-technologies, oil refining and extractive industries, energy and peaceful nuclear technologies are rapidly developing on the continent. Most countries are interested in the development of infrastructure, the demand for cars…

Assessment of The Macroeconomic Situation in North African Countries and Their Role in The System of World Economic Relations

Economic Perspectives - Challenges, Strategies, and Policy Implications: 37ECO 2021
In this article, based on the analysis of the macroeconomic situation of the North African countries, their role in the system of world economic relations is determined. It is proved that despite a certain similarity of the economic model of development of the countries of…

Digital Trust in Purchasing Processes – Perspective of Relationships With Stakeholders During the COVID-19 Pandemic

E-commerce Dynamics - Trends, Challenges, and Opportunities: 37eCOM 2021
Nowadays, customers in many countries in the world – in the conditions of the COVID-19 pandemic – go into online shopping model, i.e. using ICTs. This increases the role and importance of digital trust (which enables decisions and interactions between two or more actors based…

Factors Determining Choices Made by Individual Clients Factors Determining Choices Made by Individual Clients on The Polish Courier Service Market

Marketing Strategies and Consumer Behavior Trends from Diverse Contexts: 37MKT 2021
The article analyzes the demand side of the courier service market in Poland. In recent years, the market has been rapidly growing, chiefly due to the increase in e-commerce. The development of the market translates into a wider scope of services offered and their adjustment…

Financial Inclusion on Economic Growth in Sub-Sahara African Nations

Economic Perspectives - Challenges, Strategies, and Policy Implications: 37ECO 2021
The main point of this investigation is to analytically assess the relevance of inclusive financial access on the expansion of the economy in 48 Sub-Sahara African (SSA) territories with periodicity from 1995 to 2017.The findings are empirically established from the Generalised Method of Moments (GMM)…

Preference And Willingness To Pay Analysis: A Tv Advertisements Case

Marketing Strategies and Consumer Behavior Trends from Diverse Contexts: 37MKT 2021
The paper aims to analyze both preferences and willingness to pay in the case of TV advertisements for Polish people. To achieve such goals contingent valuation method was used to estimate willingness to pay when considering the reduced number of TV advertisements. The main results…

Diagnostics of Regional Economic Security Problems during the 2020 Crisis

Economic Perspectives - Challenges, Strategies, and Policy Implications: 37ECO 2021
The purpose of the study is to analyze the socio-economic development of Russian regions during the pandemic, to reveal the existing problems of their economic security, as well as to determine the ways to overcome them. The authors proposed a methodology for assessing the economic…

Acceptance of Artificial Intelligence in Advertising Agencies

Marketing Strategies and Consumer Behavior Trends from Diverse Contexts: 37MKT 2021
As the entities acting in a dynamic environment, advertising agencies constantly need to adapt to growing market requirements by improving their services, shortening service time, and reducing costs. The tools that might contribute to the growth of operational efficiency and the quality of the agency…

Consumers Quality And Safety Perception, Literature Review

Marketing Strategies and Consumer Behavior Trends from Diverse Contexts: 37MKT 2021
The consumer perception of food-and-drink products is an important source of basic pleasure, using our human senses and it is very important to consider how the senses influence our perception. Certification is designedby food business operators in order to give confidence to the public in…

Monitoring the Economic Security of Monotowns To Ensure the Functions of Executive Authorities Are Creating A Favorable Environment for The Voronezh Oblast Economy

Economic Perspectives - Challenges, Strategies, and Policy Implications: 37ECO 2021
Monotowns are a widespread phenomenon in the world. They actively evolve, when a country undergoes a certain period of development, i.e. dynamic process of industrialization, exploitation of significant volumes of mineral resources (‘a town near the field’). After the peak of their development in all…