Latest Communications of International Proceedings articles


Building Information Modeling (BIM) In Effective Management of Development Projects and In the Administration of Housing Companies

Management in Modern Organizations - Theory and Practice: 41MGT 2023
Building Information Modeling (BIM) can be described as a revolutionary process that has rapidly changed the way buildings are designed, constructed and operated (Hardin, 2009). Over the past few years, the term BIM has changed from a buzzword to the centerpiece of the Architecture-Engineering-Construction industry…

The Relevance and Application of Risk Management in Small and Large Companies in Times of Unpredictable Change

Management in Modern Organizations - Theory and Practice: 41MGT 2023
Due to the recent Ukraine war and the Corona crisis, coupled with pervasive political and economic instability, the future for many businesses has become highly uncertain and unpredictable. There's widespread speculation among these businesses about potential threats to their continuity. Reflecting on past experiences, many…

Improving SME Business Models through Sustainable Development: A Case Study of X sp. z o.o., Poland

Management in Modern Organizations - Theory and Practice: 41MGT 2023
At a time of crisis related to the COVID 19 pandemic and the conflict in Ukraine, there is a need to re-examine the business model and include sustainable development as a key element. This also applies to SMEs.  The sector faces many difficulties that limit…

Pricing Strategy of the Leading Container Shipping Carriers under the Turbulent Freight Market and its Impact on Logistics Supply Chains; an Analytical Approach

Management in Modern Organizations - Theory and Practice: 41MGT 2023
Covid-19 pandemic crisis seriously hit both the global trade and logistics sectors, causing huge distortions of the global supply chains. A peculiar paradox of this crisis, however, was an unexpectedly rapid growth in demand for container shipping services and, as a result of this, an…

Linking Leadership Styles and Employees Retention: The Mediating Role of Job Satisfaction

Management in Modern Organizations - Theory and Practice: 41MGT 2023
Numerous studies have shown the benefits and importance of leadership styles in the service sector, and their role in enhancing employees’ overall well-being and retaining qualified capital. This study was designed to test the link among the different styles of leadership, job satisfaction and employees'…

The Connection between Business Ethics and the Company’s Efficiency: A Comparison Analysis of Global Companies

Management in Modern Organizations - Theory and Practice: 41MGT 2023
The study is aiming to put into question the largest global companies in their pursuit to development, by analyzing the commitment they are adhering to each day through the ethical code, and how they manage eventual crisis that may appear due to not following the…

An analysis of motivation perspectives in small construction companies

Management in Modern Organizations - Theory and Practice: 41MGT 2023
Studies that are circulated in the media these days usually only reflect statistical key figures at a highly aggregated level, where, however, small businesses are usually underrepresented in their individuality among the averaged values. The motivation for this study arose from the study of literature…

Exploring Sustainable Attitudes Towards Place Marketing and At Religious and Pilgrimage Tourism: A Conceptual Research on The Way of Saint James

Marketing between Theory and Practice: 41MKT 2023
In recent years, discussion on sustainable attitudes with religious and pilgrimage has started to increase in tourism research. Santiago de Compostela (Galicia, Spain) is one of the main pilgrimage destinations.  However, a small number of studies have been discussing the important phenomenon of place attachment…

The COVID-19 Pandemic Impact on Society: The Case of Digital Nomadism

Management in Modern Organizations - Theory and Practice: 41MGT 2023
Since its outbreak, the Covid-19 pandemic has had a multifaceted impact on society. Public life was almost completely shut down, the future was uncertain and much took place within one's own four walls. Private travel was suddenly no longer possible, so that a longing for…

Business longevity and innovation: A Literature Review

Management in Modern Organizations - Theory and Practice: 41MGT 2023
This article takes inspiration from various scientific papers advocating for innovation in enterprises, a topic of great significance also in public policies. It has been demonstrated by multiple authors that companies engaging in innovation activities produce superior outcomes compared to those that do not. Most…