Latest Communications of International Proceedings articles


Analysis of the guiding principles on business and human rights ten years after its creation

Management in Modern Organizations - Theory and Practice: 41MGT 2023
The present study aims to analyze the situation of the guiding principles and human rights after 10 years of gestation. An analysis of the discourse of specialists who have participated in various academic meetings has been carried out. It is concluded that the guiding principles…

Working Paper; Methodology Design; Meditation and Individual Job Performance

Management in Modern Organizations - Theory and Practice: 41MGT 2023
The purpose of this paper is to describe and explain the methodology used in the design of a quasi-experiment that was carried out in a private sector higher education institution in the city of Culiacan Sinaloa, Mexico. Research connecting OCB/CWB models with any type of…

Application of Lean Concepts in Shipbuilding On The Example of Çimtas Module & Shipyard

Management in Modern Organizations - Theory and Practice: 41MGT 2023
The article presents considerations on the theory and practice of the current state of application of Lean Management in the shipbuilding industry, with particular emphasis on the case of Çimtas Module & Shipyard. This case proves that in shipbuilding the use of Lean Management can…

Sustainability & Gender – Intricacies in Family Firms

Management in Modern Organizations - Theory and Practice: 41MGT 2023
The 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development seeks to promote social inclusion, environmentally responsible behavior, and economic growth at the horizon of 2030. Gender equality, in particular, has been identified as one of the primary sustainable development goals (SDGs) that nations must achieve. To meet this…

The Relationship between Consumer Sentiment, Government Expenditure, and Private Consumption in Six Main Asian Countries

Marketing between Theory and Practice: 41MKT 2023
In recent years, there have been many kinds of research surrounding the impact of government spending on private consumption. One of the main controversies is whether the impact of government spending on private consumption is positive or negative. At the same time, sentiment factors (e.g.,…

Equal Treatment in Employment as an Imperative of Human Resource Management in Polish Conditions

Management in Modern Organizations - Theory and Practice: 41MGT 2023
The most important fchallenges aced by modern organizations in the context of people management include: managing organizational change, managing equality and diversity in the workplace, as well as maintaining employee loyalty and commitment. For the purposes of this study, one of these challenges, namely equal…

Distribution Processes Management of Canned Beverage Packaging: An Analysis of Microbiological Purity

Management in Modern Organizations - Theory and Practice: 41MGT 2023
The main problem addressed in this work is the possible impact that the distribution processes may have on microbiological contamination on the outside of beverage cans sold in stores. Literature study shows lack of detailed microbiological research of canned beverages, that can occur on the…

The Durability of The Enterprise Created by Resilience

Management in Modern Organizations - Theory and Practice: 41MGT 2023
The aim of the article is to present the results of the project Employee at work of the future implemented in 2022 by a team of employees of the Faculty of Economic Sciences of the Koszalin University of Technology. The article is an attempt to…

The Importance and Characteristics of Family Governance for Firm Performance and Competitive Advantage: A Short Literature Review

Management in Modern Organizations - Theory and Practice: 41MGT 2023
The importance of corporate governance is growing due to globalization and the current changes in the business environment caused by the Covid 19 pandemic. The application of good corporate governance practices can prepare small businesses for future development. The purpose of this paper is to…

Corporate Culture as A Determinant of The Prosperity of a Business Entity

Management in Modern Organizations - Theory and Practice: 41MGT 2023
The concept of corporate culture is mentioned more and more in connection with the efficiency and prosperity of economic entities. First and foremost, everyone cares about customer satisfaction, which is often reflected in the company culture. If it is dysfunctional, it shows in the behaviour…