Latest Communications of International Proceedings articles


Main Determinants and Barriers in Employment in Social Economy Entities in Poland with Special Consideration for Social Enterprises

Economic Perspectives - Challenges, Strategies, and Policy Implications: 37ECO 2021
Social economy entities play a significant role in Poland, by creating new workplaces and new types of activity; moreover they fight unemployment, poverty and social exclusion, taking part in solving various social problems, offering occupational and social reintegration. However, their development and operation faces many…

Theoretical Approaches to the Participation of a State in the Regulation of Socio-Economic Processes and their Practical Implementation

Economic Perspectives - Challenges, Strategies, and Policy Implications: 37ECO 2021
World practice has proved that only a state-controlled economy is capable providing economic growth and sustainable development. Active state policy in economics is a key to ensuring the competitiveness of the national economy. Liberal and neoliberal approaches implemented in the Russian economy have been proven…

The Impact of the Digital Economy on the Conceptual Apparatus of Disciplines Studying Labor and Social and Labor Relations

Economic Perspectives - Challenges, Strategies, and Policy Implications: 37ECO 2021
The article shows how digital economy and new model of labor and employment transforms the conceptual apparatus of academic disciplines studying labor and social and labor relations. Such notions as labor process, labor and its content, labor organization and its elements are analyzed as basic…

Role of Social Media Marketing in Increasing Quality of Health Care Management

Digital Marketing - Strategies, Consumer Behavior, and Technological Impact: 37eMKT 2021
Coping with current trends of social media high dependency, many healthcare institutions employed social media in their marketing strategies in order to reach as much audience as they can, they have also considered depending on social media as their source to locate quality gaps and…

Theoretical Approaches to the Participation of a State in the Regulation of Socio-Economic Processes and their Practical Implementation

Economic Perspectives - Challenges, Strategies, and Policy Implications: 37ECO 2021
World practice has proved that only a state-controlled economy is capable providing economic growth and sustainable development. Active state policy in economics is a key to ensuring the competitiveness of the national economy. Liberal and neoliberal approaches implemented in the Russian economy have been proven…

Assessment of Design Thinking Implementation Possibilities In Higher Education

Trends in Education – Enhancing Learning and Development: 37EDU 2021
The aim of this article is to discuss the possible areas of Design Thinking (DT) implementation in higher education. Although DT was a tool originally proposed for industry, it can find its implementation not only there. The most suitable areas to use this method are,…

Accounting of Receivables and Their Improvement

Insights in Accounting Practices and Financial Management: 37FINACC 2021
The issue of accounting of receivables for shipped goods, products, work performed and services rendered is extremely relevant today. Timely repayment of liabilities ensures the uninterrupted operation of the business entity, as the receipt of monetary funds to the account of the seller of assets…

Predictive Concepts for Forecasting Air Passenger Traffic

Digitalization and Technological Innovations Across Industries: 37ISM 2021
This article is devoted to the topical problem of forecasting passenger air traffic in conditions of instability. The idea is substantiated that it is possible to apply mathematical methods of analysis and forecasting of time series, which can act as an alternative and effective tool…

Minimization of Transactional Overhead Size in Data Storing Process in Carrotspot Motivation Platform with Use of Blockchain Technology: Case Study

Digitalization and Technological Innovations Across Industries: 37ISM 2021
In R&D project no. POIR.01.01.01-00-1011/18, granted by Poland’s NCBiR institution, we were testing different approaches to effective and safe storage of history of granting recognitions awards between employees in companies. That was very important for us regarding expected huge scale of frequency of awards transactions.…

Regulation of Entrepreneurial Structure Development Based on E-Commerce Technologies

E-commerce Dynamics - Trends, Challenges, and Opportunities: 37eCOM 2021
The regulation of development of business structure on the basis of e-commerce technologies is considered in the given material. It is proved that the model of regulating the development of business structure based on e-commerce technologies is a system. The components of this regulation model…