Latest Communications of International Proceedings articles


The Use of Artificial Intelligence (AI) In Marketing: An Empirical Study with The Construction of a Conversational Chatbot for Communication with The Client

Trends in Digital Marketing and Consumer Behavior: 40eMKT 2022
Changes in the available communication technology take advantage of the possibilities of using artificial intelligence in the marketing process. One of the areas where artificial intelligence is used for customer service. The literature on the use of artificial intelligence in marketing applies in a similar…

Consumer Behaviour on The E-Commerce Market After the Introduction of The General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR)

Trends in Digital Marketing and Consumer Behavior: 40eMKT 2022
The research void regarding consumer behavior after the introduction of the GDPR became the research goal of our article. To this end, we conducted an analysis based on data from Eurobarometer, EU citizens were examined by age, socio-occupational status, and place of residence. The data…

Privacy and Security of Wearable Sensors in Healthcare: An Exploratory Literature Analysis

Privacy, Security, and Data Challenges: 40SP 2022
Wearable wireless sensor networks (WWSN) are increasingly used in healthcare to monitor patients and collect relevant data. In addition, user data can be shared with health experts through the wireless network. This work examines the security and privacy concerns of employing WWSN in healthcare and…

The Evaluation of the Usability in Mobile Applications

Mobile Application Design, Testing, and Development: 40SE 2022
With more people using smartphones in their everyday lives, it is more important than ever to make sure applications are intuitive. The importance of smartphones and the applications we use on them is rising rapidly. Everything from paying bills and getting in contact with loved…

Assessment of New Trends in Product Packaging Using the LCA Method: A Case Study of a Conventional Plastic Bottle Versus an Eco-Innovative Paper Bottle

Research in Sustainability and World Economies: 40ECO 2022
The article presents new trends in product packaging using the case study of a conventional plastic bottle made of fossil-based plastics (PET, PVC and HDPE) and an eco-innovative paper bottle made of paper and recycled/ conventional plastics (rPET and HDPE). The life cycle assessment (LCA)…

Logistics Challenges and Opportunities of Automotive Industry Against the Background of COVID-19 In Poland: An Analytical Research

Impact of COVID-19 Pandemic on Organizational Management: COVID40MGT 2022
The COVID-19 pandemic essentially influenced global market, including automotive industry. This effect created challenges faced by cars’ manufacturers and spare parts suppliers considering the changes in demand and time for products delivery. The article proposes an expert method to assess the efficiency of cars’ maintenance…

Privacy and Security Vulnerabilities of Wearable Wireless Sensors in Healthcare: A Systematic Literature Review and Research Gap Analysis

Privacy, Security, and Data Challenges: 40SP 2022
Wearable Wireless Sensor Network (WWSN) users face privacy and security issues when they share their health data with health professionals. Data communication in WWSNs relies on wireless communication technologies such as Bluetooth, WiFi, cellular data, and the like. However, the information can be leaked due…

Implications of Private- Sector Tools and Methods in Public Administration: A Review of The Most Crucial Reforms of Public Administration

Research in Sustainability and World Economies: 40ECO 2022
Public sector worldwide faces increasingly pressing challenges. In recent years, it is commonly accepted that adopting practices and tools from the private sector, such as “strategic thinking”, “customer focus”, “performance measurement”, “new technologies” and “continuous improvement” is the best way to address many of the…

The Cryptocurrency Market And Financial Stability In The Context of Multiple Crises

Research in Financial Markets, Regulation, and Corporate Finance in a Changing Landscape: 40FIN 2022
Cryptocurrencies are an atypical economic reality that share some characteristics and functionalities with elements such as money, commodities, stocks and assets, but do not cover all the requirements to be included in any of these categories. Cryptocurrencies are at the junction of innovation and financial…

Microcommunities In Enterprises – Challenges Resulting From The Formation Of Natural Divisions In The Working Environment

Research in Contemporary HR Strategies and Workplace Dynamics: 40HR 2022
The article is the result of the author's research on new forms of human resource management. The subject of the article is a short presentation of the evolution of forms of human resource management and new challenges faced by the management staff as a result…
