Latest Communications of International Proceedings articles


Management of Selected Competences During Education of Manager and Leader in Public Services

Leadership in the Digital Age - Strategies and Transformations: 40LEAD 2022
Challenges caused by recent disorders and crises of military and non-military nature in the modern world force an innovative and somewhat different approach to personnel management in state services responsible for public order, national rescue and security. Managers and commanders in these services, especially those…

The Economic Importance of Wheat Quality: A Literature Review

Trends in Agriculture Economies in Eastern Europe: 40AGRI 2022
 The wheat quality is a complex and widely used term to describe the ability and general potential of wheat to be used in a wide variety of finished products by milling and obtaining quality flours for the production of bread and bakery products and pastry,…

Coaching As a Method of The Skill Development in The Scope of Occupational Safety and Health

Research in Business Innovation, Management, and Performance: 40MGT 2022
A person learns and excels the skills all her or his life. A significant aspect of the development is an appropriate focus of the knowledge and skills, which in the vital way interact with the career. Fulfilling everyday duties is not based solely on using…

Benefits of Robotic Process Automation in The Corporate Financial and Sales Functions, With Focus on The Credit Management Processes

Research in Financial Markets, Regulation, and Corporate Finance in a Changing Landscape: 40FIN 2022
In recent years, Robotic Process Automations (RPA) has been put under the spotlight and advertised as one of the best options to be considered when it to comes to reshaping future work implications in the operational areas of an organization. Future business perspectives must include…

Barriers for Adopting Artificial Intelligence in Digital Marketing of SMEs

Research in Business Innovation, Management, and Performance: 40MGT 2022
Purpose: This study addresses the barriers SMEs face when adopting AI in digital marketing. Design/methodology/approach: The study is based on an extensive literature review conducted through the lens of the extended Technology-Organization Environment (TOE) framework. Findings: Literature review highlights several significant barriers to AI adoption…

High School Students’ Perception of TV Vs Internet Advertising: A Study from The Tri-City Agglomeration (Gdańsk, Sopot, Gdynia), Poland

Trends in Digital Marketing and Consumer Behavior: 40eMKT 2022
The article aims to present the perception of television and Internet advertising by young people. The article shows the problems how the development of technology changes the profile of advertising recipients. In the literature on the subject, there are no studies that show that advertising…

Complexity of Coalition Formation for Multi-Robot Task Allocation with Subtasks

Mobile Application Design, Testing, and Development: 40SE 2022
Allocating tasks to robots is a common problem in multiple domains such as robotics and operations research. The problem is further complicated when it is expected or required of robots to form coalitions prior to task execution. We present a general version of the coalition…

Inclusiveness of Catering Services for The Customer with Special Requirements

Tourism and Hospitality Trends - Sustainability, Customer Experience, and Innovation: 40Tourism 2022
The phenomenon called inclusiveness has been widely discussed in the context of tourism. It refers to all tourist groups which might be marginalised due to their age, physical or mental condition, and different types of disabilities. The catering industry that serves both tourists and local…

School Career Counselling and Individual Career Planning As Perceived by Secondary School Students

Innovations and Technology-Driven Transformations in Higher Education: 40EDU 2022
The subject of the study was the opinions of final-year students of general secondary/high schools on the importance of school career counselling in the process of planning their individual career development. In the context of today's reality, in which we are experiencing numerous changes in…

ICTs in The Graduate Profile of Law Schools in Public and Private Universities In Peru: A Qualitative Research

Innovations and Technology-Driven Transformations in Higher Education: 40EDU 2022
This study analyzes the ICT-related categories that have been explicitly included in the graduate profiles of law schools in Peruvian universities. In this context, only thirteen universities have mentioned ICT in their profiles through their websites. The categories include: communication skills, practice of values, information…