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Solution of Dynamical Macroeconomic Model Using Modern Methods

Journal of Eastern Europe Research in Business and Economics
The paper aims to demonstrate ways in which the possibility of software solution of dynamical economic models by means of delay differential equations can be applied in economic theory. The original problem - relationship between tonnage and freight is used to demonstrate that the original…

Constructive Technology Assessment (CTA) of Nano-Biosensor: A Malaysian Case

Journal of Southeast Asian Research
The latest advancements in nanotechnology, biology, advanced materials, and photonics have produced the Nano-Biosensor–an analytical device comprising a biological recognition element and a transducer in spatial proximity, whereby a recognition event triggers a measurable signal at the nano-scale level. Its future survival very much depends…

Can Heterozygosity of MTHFR and Hyperhomocysteinemia be Risk Factors for Both Retinal/Vitreal Hemorrhages in Retinal Vasculitis and Retinal Vein Occlusion?

Research in Immunology: An International Journal
Retinal vein occlusion (RVO) is one of the most common vascular diseases of the eye and a frequent cause of severe visual loss. It is multifactorial in origin with both local factors and systemic diseases being of etiological importance. Many thrombophilic conditions have recently been…

The Purchase and Consumption Motivations of an Organic Product by the Tunisian Consumer: an application on the Prickly Pear Seed Oil (PPS)

Journal of North African Research in Business
This article focuses on the attributes, consequences and values of the consumption of organic products. The study relies on the cognitive chaining method which consists in highlighting and prioritizing the main reasons for purchasing and consuming organic products. A qualitative, exploratory study was conducted involving…

Prosthetic Rehabilitation of a Huge Midfacial Defect Combined with Partial Mandibulectomy: A Clinical Report

Journal of Research and Practice in Dentistry
Carcinoma of the facial region often requires radical surgical excision, which results in varying amount of tissue loss of the facial structures. Such defects cause serious functional as well as esthetic complications. This paper describes the maxillofacial prosthetic rehabilitation of a patient having right lateral…

Bibliometric View over the Online Social Networks Field (In Press)

Journal of Internet Social Networking and Virtual Communities
As bibliometrics analysis is one of the most common used technique when dealing with the evolution of a specific field, this type of analysis have been used in this paper for offering a proper view of the social networks evolution, with accent on the online…

Review of Coagulation’s Rapid Mixing for NOM Removal

Journal of Research & Developments in Chemistry
This review focuses on rapid mixing in the coagulation process for improved natural organic matter (NOM) removal in water treatment. Rapid mixing aims to instantly and efficiently disperse coagulant species into raw water, before flocculation, sedimentation, and filtration processes. Mechanical mixing with a longer retention…

Utilization of maternal health services and determinants of skilled care during delivery in slums of Gujarat, India

Obstetrics & Gynecology: An International Journal
Background: In India one in three women is delivering without skilled care. This is happening even after the Safe Motherhood Initiative began two decades ago. Aim & Objective: The aim of the present paper is to assess utilization of maternal health services and factors affecting…

Clinical Efficacy of Three Different Electronic Apex Locators in Comparison with Radiographic Working Length Determination

Journal of Research and Practice in Dentistry
The aim of this study was to test the efficacy of three different electronic apex locators (EALs) in comparison with the radiographic working length determination. This study was conducted on the 211 root canals of 113 teeth in the undergraduate endodontic clinic. Under the referee…

Priority-Driven Budgeting Policy and Regional Inequality: Does Economic Structure Transformation Really Perform as Intervening Variable?

Journal of Economics Studies and Research
One of the main challenges faced by local governments in developing countries is to allocate scarce resources effectively to achieve the community’s highest priorities. This challenge relates to government’s effort to reduce regional inequality. This paper examined the relationship between priority-based budgeting policy and local…