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The Real Stimuli in Popular Stores

Journal of Marketing Research and Case Studies
The popular store has a wide and shallow assortment of items with high turnover and low margins rate. This kind of point of sale is designed for poor consumers. It was in 1873 the first trial of implantation of a popular magazine by Frank Winfield…

A Competitive Model for Entrepreneurial Qualities

Communications of the IBIMA
In the context of an unstable economic, social and political environment, SMEs in Romania are very vulnerable. It requires careful study of the causes that generate problems, major obstacles in developing their business objectives and setting priorities for supporting this sector. The success of an…

Influence of Cooperative Members’ Participation and Gender on Performance

Journal of Southeast Asian Research
Though its origin can be traced to the private sector, corporate governance is applicable to cooperatives which are a form of corporation. Thus, cooperatives too face issues associated with governance. Moreover, agency theory argues that the board of directors plays a crucial role in protecting…

How Do Fiscal Policy Decisions Influence Business Confidence? Case Study: The Manufacturing Sector

Journal of Eastern Europe Research in Business and Economics
The fact that fiscal policy measures impact the business environment is undeniable. However, quantifying the overall influence of changes in taxation on companies’ activity still represents a challenging issue for researchers and policy makers alike. The research results presented in this study aim to clarify…

Investigating ERP Misalignment between ERP Systems and Implementing Organizations in Developing Countries

Journal of Enterprise Resource Planning Studies
The adoption of enterprise resource planning (ERP) systems by organizations from developing countries has increased dramatically. The continued growth of ERP adoption in developing countries is accompanied by high failure rates which makes it impossible for these organizations to enjoy the full realization of benefits.…

Pattern of Bacterial Pathogens and Their Antimicrobial Susceptibility from Blood Culture Specimens in a Tertiary Care Setting

Journal of Virology and Microbiology
The objective of this paper is to find out the pattern of bacterial pathogens and their antimicrobial susceptibility from blood culture specimens received from a tertiary care referral setting. This cross-sectional observational study was carried out at the Department of Microbiology, Armed Forces Institute of…

Effect of Polystyrene/Fullerene Composites on Free-Radical Processes in Biologic Fluid

Journal of Research & Developments in Chemistry
Polystyrene films and polystyrene films filled with fullerenes were fabricated by the solution cast method. The effect of fullerene-containing polystyrene nanocomposites on free-radical processes in blood serum has been researched in vitro. The parameters of lipid peroxidation in native serum after adding nanocomposites were determined…

Morphology of Sella Turcica in Skeletal Class II Subjects

Journal of Research and Practice in Dentistry
Intraosseous lymphomas are uncommon bone malignancy, and most of them present with bone pain. Herein, we describe a case of 64-year-old male who suffered from a painful swelling over his hip after a motor vehicle accident initially, and radiography showed femoral neck fracture. He received…

Business Models for Open Innovation: From Collaboration to Incorporation

Journal of Innovation and Business Best Practice
The paper describes five open innovation business models - collaboration, outsourcing, licensing, trading and incorporation - defined on the basis of open revenues and costs, new investments and divestments in intangibles. A sample of 271 companies from bio-pharmaceutical and technology hardware & equipment industries is…

Epidemiology of Group B Streptococcus in Saudi Parturient Women in a Private Hospital

Obstetrics & Gynecology: An International Journal
Objective: Maternal colonization with group B streptococcus (GBS), during pregnancy, in the private medical sector has not been studied thus far and the objective of this study was to gather relevant data in the private medical sector.Methods: A retrospective, cross-sectional, review of GBS colonization among…