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Fracture Resistance of Resilon-Filled Roots Following Different Retreatment Techniques

Journal of Research and Practice in Dentistry
The aim of this study was to investigate whether endodontically retreated teeth filled with Resilon are more resistant to fracture than those filled with gutta percha following hand or rotary removal techniques. Seventy-two upper anterior human teeth were selected, decoronated and reduced to 12 mm. The…

Comparative Evaluation of Erosive Potential of Common Acidic Beverage on Esthetic Restorative Materials -A SEM Study

Journal of Research and Practice in Dentistry
Thus the aim of present study was to assess the erosive potential of commonly used beverage over esthetic restorative material, which are traditional GIC and composite. In this study two tooth colored restorative materials were chosen and erosive materials selected were Orange juice and Yakult.…

The Reliability of the Reversed Flow Posterior Interosseous Flap for the Coverage of Ulnar Hand Defects: A Series of 25 Cases

Plastic Surgery: An International Journal
The reversed radial forearm flap is considered the workhorse flap for hand reconstruction, while the posterior interosseous artery (PIA) flap did not take the same interest. This paper presents 25 cases with ulnar side hand defects that was reconstructed with PIA flap with 22 flaps…

Challenges in Developing a Domestic Solar Thermal Electricity System Using a Stirling Engine

International Journal of Renewable Energy & Biofuels
This paper investigates the challenges in developing a domestic scale solar thermal electricity system using a Stirling engine. All the system components, the parabolic troughs, the heat transfer fluid and the Stirling engine are individually analysed and described. The analysis includes a market survey and…

Photoplethysmographic Pulse Wave Velocity Measurement is Not Enough Sensitive and Specific Compared to Conventional Ultrasonographic Technique

Journal of Research in Cardiology
Measuring pulse wave velocity (PWV) is generally accepted as the simplest non-invasive, reproducible method for assessing large artery stiffness. However, it is quite time consuming and, because of this, not used in general practice. We compared Doppler ultrasound carotid-femoral PWV measurements to the simpler and easier…

Relationship Marketing Key Concepts as Relationship Value Determinant

Journal of Marketing Research and Case Studies
Although the literature about association between relationship marketing key elements and relationship value concept in Business to Business (B to B) context is condensed, it remains fairly fragmented. An empirical validation of a model presenting the impact of the first concept on the second one…

The Impact of Budget Reforms on the Quality of Budget Management in Nigeria

Journal of Accounting and Auditing: Research & Practice
Budget management reforms were the major areas of the Nigerian public service reforms undertaken from the inception of civilian administration in 1999. The major objective was to enhance budget discipline among others. This was predicated on the theoretical considerations that improving the process and management…

The Effectiveness of Aromatherapy with Lavender Essential Oil in Relieving Post Arthroscopy Pain

JMED Research
Research literature regarding the effectiveness of lavender essential oil aromatherapy in reducing postoperative surgical wound pain is limited and the results are inconsistent. The aim of this study was to examine the effectiveness of aromatherapy with 2% lavender essential oil via bottle necklace for postoperative…

Understanding the Practice of Collusion on End of Life Care in Singapore

JMED Research
The practice of collusion is commonplace within Asian healthcare settings. Here we study a typical case of collusion within the Singapore setting to highlight the rationale and the predisposing factors behind this practice. Through such understanding, it is believed that a better means of practice…

Comparison of the Montreal Cognitive Assessment and Mini Mental State Examination Performance in Patients with Parkinson’s disease with w Low Educational Background

Research in Neurology: An International Journal
Recognition of early cognitive impairment in Parkinson´s disease (PD) is important since it represents a risk factor for developing Parkinson’s disease dementia and psychosis. The Mini-Mental State Examination (MMSE) remains the most commonly used screening instrument for global cognition, even though it has not been…