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Biofilm Formation in Denture Base Acrylic Resins and Disinfection Method Using Microwave

Journal of Research and Practice in Dentistry
The purpose of this study was to verify the effect of the microwave disinfection in denture base acrylic resins with Candida sp biofilm formation. Samples (n=90) of each resin were submitted to ethylene oxide sterilization, and then infected by inoculum of yeast (C. albicans, C.…

Evaluation of Oral Status and Tobacco Use in a Rural Population and Testing a Scale Developed to Rate Oral Status: A Pilot Study

Journal of Research and Practice in Dentistry
The objectives of this investigation were to evaluate the oral status and tobacco use of subjects residing in rural areas to provide epidemiological data for planning oral health programs and to test a scale developed to rate oral status. A cross-sectional investigation was conducted among…

Picroside Ⅱ Could Reduce the Concentration of NO and Enhance the Activity of GSHPx in Cerebral Ischemic Injury in Rats

Research in Neurology: An International Journal
Picroside II could reduce the oxidative damage induced by cerebral ischemia-reperfusion and improve nerve behavior function of rats. The aim of this study was to optimize the therapeutic dose and time window of picrosede II by orthogonal test in cerebral ischemic injury in rats. The…

Kabuki-Make-Up Syndrome with Multiple Congenital Heart Defects

Pediatrics Research International Journal
We report a one-and-half year old child with Kabuki syndrome and had multiple congenital heart defects — ventricular septal defect, patent ductus arteriosus, bicuspid aortic valve, coarctation of aorta with reversal of shunt from right ventricle to left ventricle suggesting eisenmenger’s physiology. 

Implementation of a Standardized Pediatric Emergency Medicine Transfer of Care Sign-out Guide: A Feasibility Study

Pediatrics Research International Journal
This is a feasibility study to determine if a standardized transfer of care (TOC) sign-out guide for Pediatric Emergency Department (PED) patients improves resident satisfaction. Residents from various training programs (Emergency Medicine, Pediatrics, and Family Medicine) voluntarily reported their TOC sign-out satisfaction [100mm Visual Analog…

Restructuring via Tracking Stocks Issuance: The Hidden Side of Growth: Case of American Listed Companies

Journal of Financial Studies and Research
The advent of new technologies, accompanied by the obsolete situation which the old economy is confronted with, have paved the way for the appearance of numerous legal and financial instruments constituting a particularly challenging stimulus for reflection for specialists in financial and legal fields. A…

Train Disruption Information, Data Sourcing, Aggregation and Presentation

Journal of Cloud Computing
The problems involved in producing disruption information for rail networks are considered in depth. The role that Social Media can play in contributing to this is explored, touching on the suitability of Cloud deployment as a means of communicating such information. We conclude that Social…

Effect of Exercise on the Distribution of Triglycerides among Various Tissues of Swiss Albino Mice ( In Press)

JMED Research
Triglyceride (TG) is an important source of fuel during endurance exercise. Lipolysis of adipose tissue and intramuscular triacylglycerol oxidation increases during exercise. In compare with moderate-intensity exercise, high-intensity exercise decreases fat oxidation. For many years it has been debated whether triacylglycerols located in the muscle…

A Case of Warm Autoimmune Haemolytic Anaemia Presenting with Intravascular Haemolysis

International Journal of Case Reports in Medicine
Warm type autoiune haemolytic anaemia is mediated by IgG and complements; although rare, it may be mediated by IgA immunoglobulin as well.  It causes extravascular haemolysis (EVH) in contrast to intravascular haemolysis (IVH) in cold AIHA. Intravascular haemolysis is extremely rare in warm type. We…

Software Ageing Measurement Framework Based on GQM Structure

Journal of Software and Systems Development
Previous studies have indicated that application software behaves in a manner that is almost similar to the process of human ageing. Similar to human beings getting old, it is believed that software too, can age in terms of its quality, usage and relevancy to the…