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Can Business and Social Strategies be Truly Aligned?: A Highlight of P&G Egypt’s Corporate Social Responsibility Framework

The MENA Journal of Business Case Studies
Nowadays, the way consumers view the business-society relationship is subject to a radical shift that displays a changing mindset about the role and responsibilities expected from the for-profit sector. Pressured by the challenge to meet consumer demands, Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) emerged as a trend…

New Food Development in the Age of Crisis Experiences from Italy and Romania

Journal of EU Research in Business
In the last decade, many experts in nutrition and wellness have anticipated the key role of innovative foods in helping consumers to have a healthy lifestyle. This study analyzes a series of complex key drivers that influence the food business, taking into account experiences of…

Money Illusion and the Middle-Lower Metropolis: Managing the Financial Phenomenon

Journal of Southeast Asian Research
Prior studies have revealed that money illusion is an incurable and non-exception financial phenomena. Meanwhile, its effects were quite significant in the economic perspective. This study aims at exploring the effect of money illusion phenomenon among middle-lower income people living in Jakarta. By using a…

The Impact that Business Cycles Has on the Development of Different Economies: Evidence from France and Romania

Journal of Economics Studies and Research
This paper examines the impact of economic business cycles focusing on emerging and developed economies, specific issues, mostly regarding France and Romanian cases. In extension of the theoretical constructions on business cycles, the analysis of the phenomenon is completed by empirical tests designed to classify,…

Electronic Court Records Management: A Case Study

Journal of e-Government Studies and Best Practices
Records management is the key success factor in judicial system. Systematic, efficient and organised records management system provides comprehensive information for courts to guarantee unbiased decision. Transparent information system and good records management indirectly hinder the misuse of power or corruption, case postponement and delayed…

The Importance of Innovations for Czech Business Companies

Journal of Innovation and Business Best Practice
For European companies, as well as for companies from other developed countries, it is difficult to compete with low cost production from developing countries. One of their best competitive advantages in this fight can be innovations. Of course, due to the open nature of Czech…

Drivers for University Research Performance: Investigating the Researchers’ Dynamics

IBIMA Business Review
Universities provide the foundations for a nation’s social, cultural, economic and technological progress. Beside the academic programmes offered by the universities that build the human capital, research activities are the other pillar of academia that help to drive a nation’s progress. Andersson (2010) identified research…

Evaluating Customer Process to Contribute to Customer Acquisition: A Quantitative Study in Jordanian Banking Sector

IBIMA Business Review
Over the past few years, banks are increasingly realizing the significance of customers’ service; one of the key challenges for them is how to improve the relationship with customers. On any given business day, significant amounts of information fuel business processes that involve parties both…

Challenges and Opportunities in Using the Internet to Realize Democracy in Egypt

Journal of North African Research in Business
There is a widespread belief that the Internet provides real opportunities for democratization and political transformation, especially in authoritarian regimes characterized by a strong restriction on freedom of speech and expression and inability of civic engagement and participation. Such role has been clearly witnessed with…

Exploring Region of Origin Labeling Food Products as a New Experiential Brand Strategy1

Journal of Marketing Research and Case Studies
Food labels, and more particularly geographical indication labels, such as PDO2 or PGI3 have become increasingly frequent in response to recent food crises and technological developments such as GMO’s. They are expected to offer food safety guarantees due to their traceability and authentication as well…