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Evaluating Customer Process to Contribute to Customer Acquisition: A Quantitative Study in Jordanian Banking Sector

IBIMA Business Review
Over the past few years, banks are increasingly realizing the significance of customers’ service; one of the key challenges for them is how to improve the relationship with customers. On any given business day, significant amounts of information fuel business processes that involve parties both…

Challenges and Opportunities in Using the Internet to Realize Democracy in Egypt

Journal of North African Research in Business
There is a widespread belief that the Internet provides real opportunities for democratization and political transformation, especially in authoritarian regimes characterized by a strong restriction on freedom of speech and expression and inability of civic engagement and participation. Such role has been clearly witnessed with…

Exploring Region of Origin Labeling Food Products as a New Experiential Brand Strategy1

Journal of Marketing Research and Case Studies
Food labels, and more particularly geographical indication labels, such as PDO2 or PGI3 have become increasingly frequent in response to recent food crises and technological developments such as GMO’s. They are expected to offer food safety guarantees due to their traceability and authentication as well…

An Empirical Study of Stressors among Multimedia University Students: A Case of MMU Malacca Campus

IBIMA Business Review
Stress has become an important issue in university environment as well as in the real society. Many scholars in the field of behavioral science have carried out extensive research on stress and its outcomes and concluded that the issues of stressor are needed more attention.…

The Geography of Innovation in Greece

Journal of EU Research in Business
This paper investigates the production and the development of innovation in relation to its geography for Greece relying on the theoretical and empirical argument that economic activity concentrates geographically because of scale and proximity effects and that innovation is an important and motivating factor for…

Did Socially Responsible Investment Create the Added Value for the Company? A study Case in the Company of Phosphate of Gafsa

Journal of Organizational Management Studies
Undertake in a vision of social ethics, implies that the company must behave like a responsible citizen. For this propose, the company is now responsible for negative effects of its activities. That mean, the company must actively contribute to minimizing the risks by engaging the…

In Search of Environmental-Oriented Campus: A Lesson from Managing Higher Education Institutions (Heis) Strategically and Profitably

Journal of Southeast Asian Research
The challenge of being the agent of change and main actor in supporting the environmentally sustainable development has put higher-education institutions (HEIs) in its strategic position to inspire and lead its stakeholders in implementing the environment-oriented economic and social growth. The role of higher-education institutions…

Organizational Justice in Performance Appraisal System and Work Performance: Evidence from an Emerging Market

Journal of Human Resources Management Research
This study aimed at extending the literature of the effect of performance appraisal on productivity and employees by connecting the employees’ perception on fair performance appraisal and organizational justice-considered practices to job satisfaction and work performance. Prior studies did not explore much this relation due…

Does the Disclosure of a Valuation Allowance Reinforce Misguided Incentives of a Progressive Capitalization of Deferred Taxes from Loss Carryforwards?

Journal of Accounting and Auditing: Research & Practice
This paper analyzes the incentive problems of the disclosure of a so-called valuation allowance of deferred taxes. Since the disclosure of a relatively high valuation allowance indicates a negative profit development, misguided incentives of a progressive capitalization of deferred taxes from loss carryforwards would have…

Defining Key Factors to Sustain Maximum Shareholder Value

Journal of Financial Studies and Research
Frequent accounting frauds, research and development cost cuts, agency problem — these factors tend to lead to short-term gains, while providing eroded long-term performance to equity investors. The present study looks into the conflict between the short-term and long-term return to understand which factors can…