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Knowledge Management Innovation: Perspectives from the Islamic Development Bank

Journal of Organizational Knowledge Management
International financial institutions should no longer rely on traditional ways to conduct business. By innovating on legacy platforms, organizations are able to be on the competitive edge. Information is power and managing information or knowledge will ensure profits are maximized and competitive business advantage is…

Automatic Acquisition of Corpus for Multimedia Applications

Communications of the IBIMA
Evaluations of tools (information retrieval systems, machine learning, speech recognition, machine translation, automatic acquisition of data, etc.) are annually organized throughout evaluation campaigns (TREC, ELRA, ESTER IWSLT, etc.). The building of an ad hoc evaluation corpus in the context of these evaluation campaigns is a…

Ontology-based System for Semantic Visio-conference Information Retrieval and Annotation

Communications of the IBIMA
Our system OSVIRA (Ontology-Based System for Semantic Information Retrieval Visio-conference and Annotation) is devoted to the development of help to annotation and semantic search of multimedia conferencing resources. It is based on the use of ontology associated with dense thesaurus. It allows using multiple ontology…

The Influence of Intellectual Capital on Knowledge Sharing: Small and Medium Enterprises’ Perspective

Communications of the IBIMA
Intellectual capital of the organization would determine the success of the organization itself if it is well capitalized.  Knowledge sharing is a platform for the organization to further enhance productivity. Furthermore, knowledge sharing is always linked to small and medium enterprises (SMEs) due to their…

IT Service Level Management: Practices in Large Organizations

Communications of the IBIMA
We survey actual practices of IT SLM (Service Level Management) in large organizations. The survey is based on a comprehensive analysis framework, called ESLAM (Extended Service Level Analysis Model) that considers (a) service level variables, that are what SLM measures (b) service information system, that…

Defining Knowledge Management (KM) Activities from Information Communication Technologies (ICTs) Perspective

Journal of Organizational Knowledge Management
KM practitioners or managers may sometimes face difficultities when they come to adop definitions to plan for effective KM and information infrastructure in their respective situations to achieve organisational competitive advanatge (CA). This paper is to review and examine the variations and similarities from the…

Testing Web Services Composition: A Mapping Study

Communications of the IBIMA
E-business systems are known for their frequent changes in business requirements, and traditional software development engineering approaches have difficulties in keeping up with this dynamicity. The use of service oriented architecture in software development has become popular as it provides a solution to frequent changes…

Information and Communications Technology Threats: Personal Data and User Behaviour

Communications of the IBIMA
This article analyses the threats which Information and Communications Technologies currently pose to individual liberties. Indeed, the information which is collected on individuals is becoming more and more complex: via RFID chips inserted into different cards (including transport, bank and customer loyalty cards), via visits…

The Applicability of Information Technology Governance in The Malaysian SMEs

Journal of Innovation Management in Small and Medium Enterprises
IT governance is a relatively new concept in Malaysia. There are limited studies available related to IT governance in Malaysia. Thus, this paper surveys 50 Malaysian SMEs in the state of Melaka in regard to their understanding of IT governance. Results indicate that IT governance is new to…

Internet Banking Security Guideline Model for Banking in Thailand

Communications of the IBIMA
The purpose of this research is to study the Internet banking security guideline model for banking business in Thailand.  At the present, the uses of the Internet have grown rapidly, but there are not many customers who use the Internet banking services because they do…