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Classification of Enterprise Portals: A Data Mining Approach

Communications of the IBIMA
Classification of enterprise portal systems (EP) based on their features is the topic of this paper. We propose a classification based on cluster analysis which depends on features collected from the internet. Results showed that systems were found to belong to different classes based on…

A Maturity Model of Enterprise Business Intelligence

Communications of the IBIMA
The implementation of an enterprise-level business intelligence initiative is a large-scale and complex undertaking, involving significant expenditure and multiple stakeholders over a lengthy period. It is therefore imperative to have systematic guidelines for business intelligence stakeholders in referring business intelligence maturity levels. Draw upon the…

Online Branding in Newspapers: A Conceptual Model

Communications of the IBIMA
Online media branding strategies is growing at a very fast pace and is increasingly adopted not only by pure players companies but also by traditional firms. In the digital newspapers sector, online news are becoming the most required services from Internet users and their sites…

Developing a Framework for Integrating Knowledge Management and Decision Support Systems: Application to Time Series Forecasting

Communications of the IBIMA
The aim of the study is to develop a framework that integrates knowledge management (KM) and decision support systems (DSS) by using knowledge discovery techniques (KDT). KDT are applied for achieving conversions among different types of knowledge and also creating new models from previously defined…

Understanding Strategic Reactiveness Influences on Entrepreneurial Management Tendencies

Journal of Organizational Management Studies
This study explores the relationship between strategic reactiveness (SR) and Entrepreneurial Management (EM) tendencies of SMEs sector within the states of Melaka and Johor in Malaysia. This research considers that strategy-related variables are competitively aggressive and adaptive. Strategic planning allows organizations to anticipate changes and…

Evaluating Adoption of Innovations of Mobile Devices and Desktops within Collaborative Environments in a Higher Education Context

Communications of the IBIMA
This study aims to evaluate if students that use laptops or desktops learn when using Google Groups, involving one hundred and twelve students in a higher education context. The research main goal is to validate which of the students, involved in this study, are in…

Consumer Acceptance of an Electronic Dinar Payment System in Malaysia

Journal of Electronic Banking Systems
This study attempts to solve several problems associated with physical gold dinar when used as a form of payment. One dinar is equal to 4.25 gram of fine gold. Specifically, this work proposes the use of e-commerce technology -- known as electronic dinar payment system…

An Evaluation Framework for Saudi E-Government

Journal of e-Government Studies and Best Practices
E-government supports the integration of technology into the social structure to transform administrative procedures to achieve a more effective form of government. Technological advances and the miniaturization of Information and Communication Technologies provide tools to enhance the diffusion of information and services to form part…

Public Sector ERP Implementation: Successfully Engaging Middle-Management !

Communications of the IBIMA
ERP implementation problems often occur due to cultural problems that lie deep within the organizational structure. Highly departmentalized (referred to as “stove-piped”) organizations are averse to the open flow of information and to process oriented management solutions. Nowhere are these problems more evident than in…

Water Poverty Mapping and its Role in Assisting Water Management

Communications of the IBIMA
Water scarcity occurs when the ways in which we use and distribute water cannot fully meet the demand from the environment, industry, farms and households. On a worldwide scale, the World Bank estimates that roughly 166 million people in 18 countries are affected by water…