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The Effect of ERP System Implementation on Business Performance: An Exploratory Case-Study

Communications of the IBIMA
There is currently plenty of research concerning the effect of Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) Systems on business performance. Previous research has shown a mixed relationship between ERP and business performance where some suggested that ERP improves performance and others found that it does not. Previous research…

F2C — An Innovative Approach to Use Fuzzy Cognitive Maps (FCM) for the Valuation of High-Technology Ventures

Communications of the IBIMA
We propose a novel method - F2C - that can process the only information available in the early stages of a young high-technology venture: linguistic expert knowledge. This knowledge is the basis for the determination of an appropriate discount rate for the valuation of high-technology…

The Criteria for Measuring Knowledge Management Initiatives: A Rare Glimpse into Malaysian Organizations

Journal of Organizational Knowledge Management
Many challenges are facing measuring KM initiatives and one of the key challenges is to provide a comprehensive set of criteria to measure success of KM programs. The aim of this research is to address the problem of identifying the criteria for measuring KM outcomes…

Electronic Participation in Malaysia

Journal of e-Government Studies and Best Practices
This article seeks to highlight the prevalent role of electronic participation (e-participation) in the implementation of e-government (EG) and possible approaches in enhancing the application of e-government through the insertion of e-participation module. Previous case studies on e-participation cover definitions and technique of e-participation, applicable…

Dimensions of Customer-Based Brand Equity: A Study on Malaysian Brands

Journal of Marketing Research and Case Studies
Although Malaysian market is deluged with value-for-money Malaysian brands since decades ago, not all the Malaysian brand achieved national recognition. The objective of this research is to develop a valid and reliable model of Malaysian brand equity by assessing the dimensions of the brand equity…

Factors influencing IT-Business Strategic Alignment and Sustainable Competitive Advantage: A Structural Equation Modelling Approach

Communications of the IBIMA
Preceding research attributed the lack of direct causal impact of Information Technology (IT) on firm’s sustainable competitive advantage. Numerous missing links include antecedents of the IT-business strategic alignment (also known as strategic alignment) and the sustainable competitive advantage. Furthermore, reviewers of recent literature have called…

Creation of Price Image Measurement Scale and Comparing Perceptions of Price Image Dimensions of Two Sales Formats

IBIMA Business Review
The measures of price image proposed by the literature are mostly multidimensional and fail to consider the richness of this concept. This study proposes a measure of price image. An exploratory and qualitative study helped generate a pool of items.  Then the obtained list has…

Game Changer? How VoIP Is Impacting the Way We Play

International Journal of Interactive worlds
Recently, computer games producers have integrated Voice over Internet Protocol (VoIP) into distributed multiplayer games, allowing gamers playing at a distance to talk to each other ‘ear-to-ear’ in an audio-conference-like setting. How does being able to talk to one another in this manner affect the…

Malaysian Based Manufacturing Firms’ Strategic Sourcing: A Test of Transaction Cost Economics Theory and Resource Based View

Journal of Outsourcing and Organizational Information Management
The relentless searching of strategic sourcing, due to the fact that globalization is inevitable and today’s manufacturers are competing in highly competitive environment, has pooled many business practices into two competing school of thoughts related to sourcing strategies, i.e. Transaction Cost Economics (TCE) Theory and…

Towards Implementing a Privacy Policy: An Observation on Existing Practices in Hospital Information System

Journal of e-health Management
In order to safeguard the confidentiality and sensitivity of personal health information belongs to individual, a privacy law is needed to be in place.  There are numerous cases of unauthorised intrusions of personal health information occurred but no legal action can be exerted due to…