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Dynamic Pricing in Management Science

Journal of Economics Studies and Research
This paper presents a review of the literature on dynamic pricing models in management science. We discuss monopolistic and competitive situations, with an emphasis on applications in different contexts. We also describe the main development perspectives of this literature.

An Investigation into the Use of ERP Systems in the Public Sector

Journal of Enterprise Resource Planning Studies
During recent years, public organizations have invested considerable resources in the implementation of Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) systems, even using solutions initially targeted for manufacturing companies. The interest generated by the ERP phenomenon in the public-sector still growing and the particularities of this sector make…

The Applicability of the Constant Dividend Model for Companies Listed at the Nairobi Stock Exchange

Journal of Financial Studies and Research
The decision to pay out earnings or retain dividends has been a subject of debate for many scholars. This research paper tests the applicability of constant dividend model from companies listed at the Nairobi stock exchange. Data was collected from annual reports and share price…

The New Age Complimenting the Digital Age: Using Hypnosis, NLP and Time Line TherapyTM Techniques to Reduce Negative Emotions among People Involved with Information Technology

Journal of Organizational Knowledge Management
Although the amount of interaction with computers is increasing in the current digital age, humans are still facing emotional problems at work. This research looks at the effectiveness of new age techniques such as Hypnosis, Neuro Linguistic Programming (NLP) and Time Line TherapyTM (TLT) in…

Exploring Policy-Formulation for SMEs in Cloud Computing: The Case of Turkey

IBIMA Business Review
The promise of competitiveness that clouds offer to enterprises creates a substantial part of the cloud phenomenon. 2010 European Union report on cloud computing identifies the strong commercial nature of clouds and addresses new policies and actions for the competitiveness of European industry. Today, European…

A Comparative Study on the Effectiveness of Human Resource Professionals in Pakistan and Malaysia

IBIMA Business Review
The aim of this empirical paper was to show the comparison between the effectiveness of Human Resource (HR) professionals and the organizational factors (namely, leadership, organizational support and reward system), based on a study on the HR professionals in two private universities — A university(AU)…

Improving Website Ranking through Search Engine Optimization

Journal of Internet and e-business Studies
Internet is fast becoming critically important to commerce, industry and individuals.  Perhaps the most important single component of this communication network is the Search Engine (SE).  Successful Websites rank high in SEs hits, whereas unsuccessful Websites may not rank at all.  In an effort to…

An Enterprise Architecture Methodology for Business-IT Alignment: Adopter and Developer Perspectives

Communications of the IBIMA
This paper proposes the use of an enterprise architecture methodology known as the Systemic Enterprise Architecture Methodology to determine the relevance of EA in addressing the business-IT alignment. A construct that characterized EA was developed based on review of the literature. A theoretical framework build…

Six Sigma: A Key Driver for Process Improvement

Communications of the IBIMA
Six Sigma is a one of the most common used programs in production companies for reduce cost, improve productivity and provide a basis for goals improvement which leads to competitive advantage.  Understanding the key Six Sigma factors (Total Quality Management, strong customer focus, data analysis…

Achieving a Competitive Advantage by SCM

IBIMA Business Review
The supply chain concept is theorized from the formation of a value chain network consisting of individual functional entities committed to provide resources and information to achieve the objectives of efficient management of suppliers as well as the flow of parts.The understanding and practicing of…