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The Information Potential and Temporal Elements of Web 2.0 Folksonomy for User Profiling in Personalized Information Retrieval

Journal of Internet Social Networking and Virtual Communities
The World Wide Web (WWW) has grown into a rich repository of information. The vast amount of data on the web however would require the users to be skilled in querying generic information retrieval (GIR) systems to meet their information need. This is further complicated…

The Relationship between Participation in Decision Making and Job Satisfaction among Academic Staff in the School of Business, University of Nairobi

Journal of Human Resources Management Research
This study examines the relationship between participation in decision making and job satisfaction among academic staff in public University of Nairobi. This study was conducted on the positivism approach to research. The study adopted a descriptive survey research design. The population of the study was…

Alignment and Dynamic IS Capabilities — A Systems Perspective

Communications of the IBIMA
Many organisations still have difficulty obtaining value from their IT spend. The literature indicates that two ways of improving this situation is via better strategic business/IS alignment and the development of a dynamic IS capability. The literature has consistently shown that the development of either…

Going Global: The Role and Effect of Leadership Styles in PT Bunga Mawar Indonesia

IBIMA Business Review
It is widely acknowledged that among all determinants of employment outcomes, leadership is viewed as an important predictor with a central role (Carli, 1990). It has been long held within the humanistic management perspective that different types of leadership style eventually are leading towards different…

Drivers and Attitudes towards Online Shopping: Comparison of Turkey with Romania

Communications of the IBIMA
The purpose of this study is to examine the shopping and buying behavior of consumers and their attitudes toward internet shopping in both Romania and Turkey. Another purpose is also finding out critical factors or drivers of online businesses to be successful and being able…

Emerging Themes of the Leadership and Green Innovation of the Government-Linked Companies

IBIMA Business Review
The main reason businesses need to innovate is due to its necessity to sustain and survive, and not for the matter of how brilliant and visionary the leaders of the organisation are. Innovation has known for its very significant role in the organisation progression and…

Effects of Cybercrime on State Security:Types, Impact and Mitigations with the Fiber Optic Deployment In Kenya

Journal of Information Assurance & Cybersecurity
The identification of Information and Communication Technology (ICT) as an essential tool for sustainable development has proved to be worth every investment. As a result of this, Internet usage in Kenya has grown rapidly resulting in the explosion of Internet Service Providers (ISPs) and Internet…

The Impact of Digital Administration (DA) on the Development of New ICT Skills within Moroccan Administrations

Journal of e-Government Studies and Best Practices
All studies and analysis highlight the importance given by the government, both developed countries as emerging markets to information and communication technologies (Aldrich and al, 2002). This strategic importance given to the roles of information and communication technologies is doubly justified: First, the economic sector…

The Role of ICT within Small and Medium Enterprises in Gauteng

Communications of the IBIMA
This article discusses the role of information and communication technology (ICT) within the small and medium enterprise (SME) sector in Gauteng, a province in South Africa. ICT plays a very important role in the current knowledge economy. It is vital for SMEs to participate in…

Comparison of Decision-making under Uncertainty Investment Strategies with the Money Market

Journal of Financial Studies and Research
This paper proposes different investment strategies for portfolio selection based on decision-making under uncertainty, rather than the conventional Markowitz portfolio model. The results of perfect information and the results of investment strategies for decision-making under uncertainty are presented to illustrate the proposed strategies. It also…