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An Exploratory Study of the Entrepreneurial Educational Ecosystem: The case of Morocco

Journal of Entrepreneurship: Research & Practice
In a world context of transition from a resource-based economy to a knowledge-based economy, marked by the strong progression of information technologies and the fourth industrial revolution, entrepreneurship education and the support to entrepreneurial students are heralded in a very optimistic and voluntary manner at…

Non-Earning Management Measures of The Quality of Financial Statements

Journal of Accounting and Auditing: Research & Practice
The quality of financial statements is the fundamental issue in terms of the reliability of the accounting conducted by those who prepare them. Since the beginning of the 21st century, and with the growing concerns regarding  the data released in financial statements, the development of…

Study of the Main Roots of Digital Economy: A Bibliometric Analysis

Journal of Internet and e-business Studies
The purpose of this study is to identify the origins of the digital economy and where it is heading, by looking at its main roots and analyzing its trends. As a base for this bibliometric research, the papers within the research environment and the identified…

Attitudes and Soft-Skills Acquired from Accounting Internship; Does It Affect the Academic Performance?

Journal of Southeast Asian Research
The evolution of financial reporting and information technology disruption has increased challenges in the accounting profession.  Accounting practitioners have raised concerns that accounting graduates seem to possess sufficient technical knowledge, but somehow, they lack the required soft skills such as communication and analytical thinking. The…

What is a Hybrid Library? Evidence from Scotland and Brazil

IBIMA Business Review
Introduction: The term “hybrid” has been used in many ways relating to hybrid library professionals; libraries that combine an academic and corporate purpose or a library and museum’s purpose; the use of hybrid instruction methods; a library that combines public and private spaces; reactions of…

Effective Collaboration of Different Generations as a Tool for the Success of the Organizations

Journal of Human Resources Management Research
Job satisfaction of employees of organizations is a determinant of their success, high productivity of employees. Creating such a positive work environment require high demands on the work of managers - on their approach to their subordinates, on the style of leadership. An individual approach,…

Digital Marketing in Hospitality – Case Study of Social Networks as a Communication Toll in Oporto Hotels

Journal of Internet Social Networking and Virtual Communities
Digital marketing and social networks are progressively becoming the most important communication tool in almost all business areas. This has considerably increased the information available online. In the tourism context, these developments have had a considerable effect, as they have altered the way tourists search…

Employee Engagement: An Actual Theme, in a Permanent Evolution

Journal of Human Resources Management Research
Modern companies are well aware of the fact that employee engagement can contribute, in a decisive manner, to the company’s competitiveness and performance. This paper’s purpose is to analyse how employees’ engagement was defined over time in the literature, in order to highlight the methods…

Cybersecurity, A Priority of The Modern World

Journal of Information Assurance & Cybersecurity
Data is probably the most valuable resource of our time, similar to what represented oil a century ago. Technology giants built their competitive advantage on the huge amount of data they are dealing with to drive the biggest societal changes. The disputes on data created…

The Influence of Entertainment on The Average Stay: Hotel Establishments in Terras De Trás-Os-Montes

Journal of EU Research in Business
The main objective of the present study is to analyze the contribution of entertainment to the average stay in hotel establishments in Terras de Trás-os-Montes (Portugal). In view of the purpose of the study, four specific objectives were considered: i) To identify the type of…