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Organizational Cultural Factors Influencing Continuous Improvement in Saudi Universities

Journal of Organizational Management Studies
Continuous Improvement (CI) is described as a culture of sustainable improvements aimed at making organizational processes and systems increasingly efficient. The importance of CI, especially in higher education institutions (HEIs), relies heavily on those institutions’ importance in the success of individuals, organizations and countries as…

Aspects of the transition of young people from education to the workplace, in Romania and Bulgaria

Journal of Eastern Europe Research in Business and Economics
In the European Union, the analysis of the process of  young graduates absorption by the labor market as well as the specific characteristics is a priority in the formulation of employment policies and of those with educational profile, which pay more attention to increase the…

Understanding Fashion Buying Motivation for SME

Journal of Marketing Research and Case Studies
This paper offers a concise view on the way in which the motivation of textile product consumers influences the activity of micro-enterprises and small and medium companies. Changes in behavior can bring benefits but also disadvantages to new entrepreneurs that are taking the first steps…

White Land Tax: Evidence in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia

Journal of Accounting and Auditing: Research & Practice
Following Sharia Law, the white land tax of 2.5 percent has been introduced and targeted to undeveloped land in the urban areas in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia. This tax acts as a penalty to the vacant land. This study is motivated to provide some…

Learning with the Games: a Competitive Environment based on Knowledge

Journal of e-Learning and Higher Education
Today, vocational training has become a major necessity for the development of contemporary societies. In this situation, computer-based learning environments based on serious games (SGS) offer the opportunity for learners to express and test the importance of their ideas in their daily lives. A competitive…

Motivation of the Sharing Economy Users in the Middle East: The Case of Lebanon

Journal of Internet and e-business Studies
Improvement and competition are at the root of new strategies in the business world. The sharing economy is one example that is revolutionizing traditional business today in almost all countries all over the world. In Lebanon, people have practiced numerous ways of sharing for decades, but…

Does Blended Learning Enhance Student Engagement? Evidence from Higher Education

Journal of e-Learning and Higher Education
Technology advancements in the present era have tremendous impact on teaching and learning as well. The present research aims to answer the research question; whether use of technology would help and support autonomous learning and also enhance student engagement? To assess this, blended learning approach…

Western Organizational Theories: Middle Eastern Style: How much do you Know about the Culture?

Journal of Organizational Management Studies
The strategic vision of minimizing oil dependence in the Middle East has triggered a flurry of innovations, investments, and management initiatives in many public and private organizations (Goyal and Rishi 2003). The Middle East has Western experts working diligently to bring Western theories and practices…

Agricultural Production, Soil Quality and Fertilizer Used in Braila County, Romania

Research in Agriculture and Agronomy
The article proposes a research of the agricultural potential according to the soil qualities in Braila County, the South-East region of Romania. Fertilizer application corrects soil composition, resulting in a qualitative and quantitative increase in crops. Fertilization based on soil composition and precursor plants has…

The Production of Certified Wheat Seeds in Romania and Specific Aspects For Braila County

Research in Agriculture and Agronomy
The main purpose of the paper is to compare wheat varieties for seed production in Romania. National wheat production has increased significantly in recent years, in the context of favorable weather conditions and increasing demand on international markets. Individual producers have a reduced production per…