Latest Communications of International Proceedings articles


Optimization of Waste Management on The Basis of Research in the ‘PIKRES’ Manufacturing Company

Innovation, Resilience, and Sustainable Strategies in Modern Business Environments: 42MGT 2023
The purpose of this article is to present waste management issues and attempts to optimize waste management at the PIKRES manufacturing company. In order to achieve this goal, data were used from the company's documents covering the scope of waste records and from information obtained…

Priority Competencies Of Managers In The Modern Dynamic Organisational Environment

Innovation, Resilience, and Sustainable Strategies in Modern Business Environments: 42MGT 2023
The author of this article discusses the significance of managerial competencies in modern organizations. The article highlights the dynamic nature of changes in the present-day business environment, which necessitates appropriate managerial skills, knowledge, experience, and personal traits. Managerial competencies encompass a range of organizational activities,…

Analysis Of the Selection of Travel Routes Based On The Driver’s Working Time

Innovation, Resilience, and Sustainable Strategies in Modern Business Environments: 42MGT 2023
The aim of the work was to analyze the selection of travel routes based on the driver's working time. A detailed analysis of the driver's working time was carried out in the work, which allowed to check how much time the driver takes for individual…

The Impact of Brexit on The Frequency of Road Transport to and from The UK Based on Research in A Transport Company

Innovation, Resilience, and Sustainable Strategies in Modern Business Environments: 42MGT 2023
The purpose of this article is to examine the impact of the introduction of Brexit on the frequency of road transport to and from the UK based on a selected transport company. To achieve this goal, data directly from the studied company was used. In…

Disrupting Supply Chains and Their Resilience: A Literature Review

Innovation, Resilience, and Sustainable Strategies in Modern Business Environments: 42MGT 2023
The article undertakes the task of sorting out the many aspects of supply chain disruption and resilience reflected in the keywords listed below, which have already entered the canons of supply chain vocabulary.. The purpose of this article is to identify supply chain interruptions, analyze…

Application of Logistic Regression Model to Assess Quality Development in Organizations in Central Pomerania Region

Innovation, Resilience, and Sustainable Strategies in Modern Business Environments: 42MGT 2023
The article focuses on the area of assessing quality development in organizations within standardized management systems. The aim of the research was to identify and assess the effectiveness of standardized management systems in organizations in Central Pomerania using a logistic regression model. The source of…

Servility As an Example of Organizational Pathology

Innovation, Resilience, and Sustainable Strategies in Modern Business Environments: 42MGT 2023
Among the various management pathologies described in the literature (eg. Berti & Simpson, 2021; Gupta et al., 2020; Nielsen & Einarsen, 2012), some are rarely of interest to researchers in the field of human resource management (HRM). One of these is servility. Our article aims…

Selected Elements of Governance Under Conditions of Conflicts and Crises, And Sustainable Development of Enterprises and Corporations

Innovation, Resilience, and Sustainable Strategies in Modern Business Environments: 42MGT 2023
The study presents selected elements of governance in the face of armed conflict, economic and social crises, taking into account sustainable development in the face of a changing environment and climate. Socio-economic data and trends of changes in the global economy were presented, where the…

The Essence of Coaching Tools That Determine Managerial Skills

Innovation, Resilience, and Sustainable Strategies in Modern Business Environments: 42MGT 2023
Coaching has become a popular tool to aid professional development, especially for managers who often face numerous challenges and pressures in the workplace. By helping to identify and develop leadership, stress management and self-development skills, coaching can contribute to the success of managers and the…

Research On the Potential Application of System Dynamics in The Concept of Value Based Management and its Practical Implementation

Innovation, Resilience, and Sustainable Strategies in Modern Business Environments: 42MGT 2023
From a general perspective of purpose and motivation, the research is focused on examining the validity of shifting the management paradigm in terms of applying the value based management concept and aligning the principles of value based management with a systemic approach to the enterprise.…