Latest Communications of International Proceedings articles


Factors Moderating the Influence of Business Networks on Entrepreneurship Development: A Systematic Narrative Review

Research in Business Innovation, Management, and Performance: 40MGT 2022
Given the state of existent research on how business networks contribute to entrepreneurship, a systematic narrative review is both timely and appropriate. Therefore, a systematic narrative review of the articles published between 1995 and 2020 was conducted in several steps. First, a search of three…

Automating Software Compilation with The Gradle Tool Using the Example of a Lesson Planning System

Mobile Application Design, Testing, and Development: 40SE 2022
In this paper, the authors describe a solution for automating software compilation in Kotlin with a Gradle solution. The use of the Spring Framework and the tools described allows a system to be set up very quickly with an application server, e.g. for testing solutions,…

Changes In the Approach to Employee Training Caused by The Covid-19 Coronavirus Pandemic (Case Study)

Impact of COVID-19 Pandemic on Human Resources: COVID40HR 2022
The article deals with thematic issues related to training and its impact on organizations. The theoretical part presents the essence of training as well as training methods and techniques. The research part includes an empirical analysis of the training culture and the impact of the…

Complexity of Multi-robot Task Allocation Problems with Multimodal Execution

Mobile Application Design, Testing, and Development: 40SE 2022
The decision making problem considered in this paper consists in allocating multiple tasks to multiple machines and is a special case of the multidemand multidimensional knapsack problem (MDMKP). This problem is common in MRTA, or multi-robot task allocation, which is often considered in robotics. Partial…

The Contractor’s Insolvency, Grounds for Amending the Public Procurement Contract

Research in Financial Markets, Regulation, and Corporate Finance in a Changing Landscape: 40FIN 2022
The public procurement contracts, with their high values and quantities, attract many companies to compete in the market economy. Although public authorities use efficient selection criteria to identify the most competitive economic operator, in the execution of the contract, the company may become insolvent or…

Assessment of the Usability of Devices with BLE Interface In Automatic Access Control Systems

Innovations in Network Technologies and Health Monitoring Systems: 40ICT 2022
Access control systems are widely used in organizations. Specialized cards and readers are used to control access. The use of cards and readers equipped with a BLE interface in such systems eliminates the need to bring the card closer to the reader in order to…

Quality of Audit Services As A Factor of Increase in The Trust Level of The Targeted Users in The Financial Statements

Research in Financial Markets, Regulation, and Corporate Finance in a Changing Landscape: 40FIN 2022
In the context of the rapid diversification and renewal of the service offer, the globalization of markets, the continuous increase in customer demands, the quality of audit services has become a determining factor in the competitiveness of entities. After numerous spectacular financial scandals in the…

Assessment of Business Process vs Environmental impact of Ship Emissions: The Case of a Container Terminal in Constanta Port, Romania

Research in Sustainability and World Economies: 40ECO 2022
Shipping is a major polluter, affecting both human health and the environment, which has become an issue of concern for government and institutional bodies because of its increasing activity. Approximately 90% of international trade is transported by ship, and that number is expected to rise.…

The Use of European Union Funds by Enterprises in Peripheral Regions – Preliminary Research

Research in Sustainability and World Economies: 40ECO 2022
The research was carried out by the method of a diagnostic survey with the use of a questionnaire in enterprises operating in peripheral regions of north-eastern Poland (in the following poviats: Bartoszyce, Braniewo, Ketrzyn and Lidzbark Warminski). The opinion of the owners (managers) of enterprises…

Insurance Fraud Crime

Research in Sustainability and World Economies: 40ECO 2022
This work presents a brief description of insurance crime. The paper presents issues concerning the definition of insurance crime, the state of insurance crime in Poland ,and possible criminal events occurring in the insurance market. In addition, activities aimed at the prevention of insurance crimes…