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Success Factors for Local Development Project Management Case of Taroudant Province – Morocco

Journal of North African Research in Business
The project development management success presents an ongoing challenge for managers. It is perceived as a means allowing to meet the effectiveness and efficiency challenges in complex and unstable environment. The purpose of this paper is to explore from different perspectives of the local players…

Dietary Habits and Caries Experience Among 9-year-old School Children

JMED Research
Research Motivation: Despite improvement of the trends in levels and experiences of dental caries in developed countries, it remains prevalent and is increasing in some developing countries.  In this study we assessed the relationship between dietary regimens and dental caries in 9-year-old students in Tehran,…

Typing of 67 SNP Loci on X Chromosome by PCR and MALDI-TOF MS

Research in Genetics
A set of single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNP) on X chromosome was selected with the aim of forensic identification in Chinese Han population to complement the analysis of autosomal, Y-chromosomal or mitochondrial markers, especially in deficiency cases. 67 forensically relevant X-SNPs were screened in a Chinese…

Isolation of a Sequence Homolog to More Axillary Branches MAX2 Gene in Hibiscus rosa-sinensis and its Use as Genetic Marker

Research in Agriculture and Agronomy
Lateral branching plays an important role in the elaboration of adult plants architecture. Herein, we adopted a modified AFLP approach combined with a degenerate primer amplification to identify and isolate in the underinvestigated ornamental species H. rosa-sinensis an orthologous element of the MAX2 gene (More…

Determinants of Information Technology Expenditure: A Contingent Model

Communications of the IBIMA
In this article, we propose and test a model to explain the determinants of an organization’s IT budget. The research model extends prior research by providing a strong theoretical underpinning for the driving forces of IT budget, incorporating both dynamic and static contingencies internal to…

Predicting Bank Failure in Nigeria Using Survival Analysis Approach

Journal of South African Business Research
The collapse and failure of a bank could have devastating consequences to the entire banking system and widespread repercussion effect on other banks and the economy as a whole. The main objective of this paper is to determine how bank failure in Nigeria can be…

The Environmental Perspectives of Tunisian Accounting System: a Theoretical Study and Recommendations for Improvement

Journal of Accounting and Auditing: Research & Practice
The integration of the environmental dimension in the business’s life does not mean taking into account economic, financial and legal terms but also in the accounts. According to this point of view, the recognized of environmental aspects is considered as an important factor in the…

The Role of Environmental Tax in Flood Reduction: A Study of Lagos State “Nigeria”

Journal of South African Business Research
Cities in Nigeria are generally characterized by poor drainage and are therefore subject to flooding. Particularly affected are cities like Lagos, Ibadan, Aba, Calabar, Yenagoa, etc. An estimated 25 million people or 28% of Nigeria’s population live in the coastal area and are at risk…

Ensuring Trust Online through the Wisdom of Crowd

Journal of Internet and e-business Studies
People read online reviews and are influenced by others’ opinions when making purchase decisions. The magnificent power of crowd is further enhanced with User Generated Content (UGC) websites and social media platforms where users can easily access the information about users’ choices and decisions. The…

Relation between Hypoxic Markers P65, P50, CAIX, and Tumor Stages in Invasive Ductal Carcinoma Subtypes

Advances in Cancer Research & Treatment
Background: Nuclear factor-kappa B (NF-B) family comprises 5 members (p50, p52, relA/p65, c-rel and relB) which are induced in response to a wide variety of stimuli including hypoxia. Continuous activation of NF-B is an important factor in the onset and progression of breast carcinoma. Hypoxia…